RE: Supreme Court Round 2 - This one was accepted for review!

The oxymoronic terms

You're some weird sovereign citizen aren't you?

  1. can't be a citizen and sovereign its contradictory. and to use it as one thing in combo as if to mean freedom is just straight up silly. a mockery of your high status intelligence. Because you are you know.( you got this)

  2. To draw you in to answer something you jave no obligation to answer. they claimed jurisdiction first, demand proof that satisfies the element of jurisdiction.

thats objection, on what grounds do they rely on to support their status over you?

we know its zero. they wont answer. they dare not lose but they can't win either. its not about you winning either. its about controlling down the damage already done from getting worse, it's about getting them off our backs. they only there because they want to stick their cocks into our spine.

Have you ever looked into Marc Stevens work?

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