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                                    "Teach children, and it will not be necessary to punish men"
                                    "The best way to make children happy is to make them happy"
                                                                                   (Oscar Wilde)
                      "All the old people were at first children, although few of them remember it"
                                                                     (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

    In past opportunities I have talked about situations that occur to our children affecting their fundamental rights, (as always reminding them that if you have rights obligations must also be present) and as it happens with sectors of our population that by age, preparation or consider an unprotected sector or with fewer opportunities, situations usually take on greater importance, on August 25 it is a year since the start of a military campaign of murders, sexual violence and arson that drove more than 700,000 Rohinyas Muslims from the western state from Rakhine, in Myanmar, who were forced to leave their home, children, women, men found refuge in Cox's Bazar, a popular holiday destination in the south of Bangladesh this in 34 camps located in 26 square kilometers, added to the violence that made them move, the rainy season means that the floods are in the order of day, managing to pass more hardships for these refugees, children being the ones who suffer the most from this situation, being forced to perform forced labor and many times to enter the "Sex trade".

Many children go through this in places like this but also in other places where "You live better" pass situations that cannot be forgiven, if they are true and verifiable.
Parents accuse a teacher of the kindergarten Marcelino Champagnat, located in the mayor's office of Gustavo A. Madero, of sexually abusing 37 children, if 37 children, their parents reported on Friday October 12, 2018, being on October 16, 2018 when they demonstrated in the kindergarten against this situation and asking for justice about what happened to the children.

The investigation is ongoing and I really hope that if it is a real situation, justice will be done according to the law.
Two different situations, but in both the childhood suffers by a mechanism where to create a fair, just society and above all that guarantees the rights of all (And their obligations) has to be met sometimes with a slow, bureaucratic process and above all , with people not trained to do it.

Maybe it's the opposite, of course this is my humble way of thinking, And yours?

Lawyer and Teacher in Constitutional and Amparo.
