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Georgia Applies Double Standards Regarding Juvenile-Justice-Related Matters

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1. The Hypocrisy Of Georgia Laws Pertaining To Minors

Every so often a story will come out of Georgia in the nationwide news about an 18- or 19-year-old man being arrested, tried, and convicted for having sexual intercourse with a 14- or 15-year-old girl. Marcus Dwayne Dixon was only 18 years old when he was arrested for having sexual intercourse with a 15-year-old girl. Genarlow Wilson wasn't even legally an adult when he faced criminal charges for having a consensual relationship with a 15-year-old girl.

The criminal justice system in Georgia treated both of these young men very unfairly, to say the least. Instead of being charged with simple underage sex charges, the authorities treated both of these men as though they were child molesters.

If a 14- or 15-year-old girl falls in love with a 20- or 22-year-old man and he reciprocates that love in the state of Georgia, the police are not going to stay out of their way. When many of these Georgia law-enforcement officials are interviewed, they usually use the excuse that they are only seeking to protect children from predators.

Nevertheless, anyone of at least average intelligence knows that pedophilia is simply not occurring in the majority of these age-controversial types of relationships between teenagers and young adults regardless of what any pedophile-panic fanatic has to say about any of them. The criminal justice system misuses these laws to overpower civilians in situations that have nothing to do with child molestation.

Now, you would think that the law would be as equally tough on parents who abuse their children in any manner in Georgia, especially when such abuse involves physical violence. I had thought and had even hoped that Georgia at least had that one benefit regarding how it addresses juvenile-justice-related matters. Well, brace yourselves, because you're about to confront the shock of your life.

2. A Father's Fight Against A Child-Abusing Wife

Nope, I'm not describing an adult woman who cheats on her husband with her male middle-school students. Any of you who have read any of my other articles know me better than that.

What I'm describing is a man's nerve-racking attempt to protect both of his children from his violent soon-to-be ex-wife in the course of his divorce. Both of his kids are under 10 years of age. He explains his situation in the video below. This gentleman's name is Tim, and he lives in Georgia.

Tim Explains How His Religious Fanatic Wife Has Abused Their Children

As tough as Georgia is regarding its statutory-age-of-consent laws and how emphatically insistent Georgia authorities and prosecutors are that they enforce those laws to protect "children," you would think that Tim would have had the law on his side after he reported his wife for child abuse against their two little kids under 10 years of age. However, the law-enforcement institutions that he contacted have continued to expose these two kids to a very dangerous situation.

You always hear and read about stories regarding Child Protective Services taking babies away from teenage girls for the most ridiculous reasons. However, the Child Protective Services agency that Tim contacted won't even press criminal charges against his wife for child abuse and child endangerment.

Tim describes his wife as a Ruby-Franke religious wacko. Tim evidently takes no involvement in any kind of religion. Why he would want to have married a deranged Bible thumper is beyond my comprehension. Certain mixed marriages have no hope of survival, and an agnostic or atheist marrying an evangelical Christian is no exception to that problem.

I admire that Tim is nothing like Kevin Franke from the now-defunct 8 Passengers YouTube channel. However, if I were in his shoes, I would take those kids and head for the hills.

I once read a story about a young woman out in California whose ex-husband was sexually abusing their 3-year-old daughter. After the judge awarded full custody to the father in spite of what he had been doing to harm his little daughter, the mother took the little girl and fled with her to Costa Rica. Luckily, that nation had not yet signed the Hague Abduction Convention. To the best of my knowledge, everything worked out for that woman and her little girl in the long run.

I would like to see everything work out for Tim and his two little kids. Anyone who has followed the Ruby-Franke scandal has to know that little kids do not heal from child abuse that quickly.

My brother-in-law, who used to be a cop, once had the nerve to tell me that such incidents become a thing of the distant past after so many years. I began to question how many kids died on his watch when he was still in uniform. Ahhhh! Don't you just hate in-laws?

There is evidence of abuse, and the Georgia authorities are doing nothing for Tim's two little kids. Of course, the same nonsense occurred in the Franke family out in Utah. It was police intervention further down in the southern part of that state that saved Ruby Franke's son from nearly getting killed. There was even video-recorded evidence on YouTube that Ruby Franke had been starving her kids for years.

The big difference between the situation with the Franke family and Tim's family is that unlike Kevin Franke, Tim actually cares about his two kids and is trying every way possible to free them from their abusive mother. Georgia authorities and the likes are likely doing hardly anything to protect these two kids, because they are too busy regulating teenage girls' love lives as described further back herein.

3. Final Thoughts

I cannot understand how authorities and the likes in a particular state like Georgia can invest so much time and resources into stopping teenage girls younger than 16 years old from straying outside their peer circles in search of love and intimacy, whereas these same law-enforcement officials don't seem to care very much about small children who suffer violent abuse at the hands of their own parents. It's outrageous!

If the police took all the money that they waste on online sex-sting operations to prosecute men for pursuing liaisons with adolescent girls who do not even exist and they poured that money into investigations into real cases of child abuse, then perhaps the public at large would have more respect for the law and for the men and women in their blue uniforms. Sexually active 13-, 14-, and 15-year-old girls don't want government officials meddling into their affairs. Pardon the pun.

Georgia gets an F Minus from me for its efforts to protect children. I find it hypocritical on the part of Georgia prosecutors that they won't drop a frivolous and malicious statutory-rape case against a 19-year-old college student whose 14-year-old girlfriend pleads and begs them to leave him alone; whereas a parent could be beating their own toddler to death, and these same prosecutors will do nothing. Even Nancy Grace, a Georgia native, would have something to say about this matter involving Tim and his two kids.

I'm losing faith in the American criminal justice system, and it's not because I don't want law and order in my nation. It's because I cannot understand why authorities go on these Puritanical crusades to stop adult-adolescent relationships, but they'll neglect to arrest a parent who is beating on his or her own kids. Georgia? What a disgrace you are.

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