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Notice to all County Sheriffs on the North American union of States:

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal; Notice to Principal is Notice to All Agents!

by: the living women and men, assembled: American State
, on the land of all counties, of all states, of The United States of America, unincorporated

“…We want to ensure that all ‘people’ and ‘persons’ get due process and are properly identified according to the law they voluntarily stand-under. We wish to take the time to explain that the actual State Governments, of, for, and by the people, have until recently, not been in session. That is, because the States of America, the Republic, the American portion of the Federal Government, was allowed to collapse at the end of the Civil War! In spite of several attempts, the re-construction was never completed, and the de jure American Government has not been in session since then, until now.

The task of Reconstruction has been underway for several years. All fifty states of the Union have a functioning, unincorporated, State Assembly on the land and soil jurisdictions and are now in session, called the “(state Name) State Assembly”. However, our failure to finish this job long ago has allowed foreign usurpation and a continuous ‘state of emergency’ within the jurisdictions of the Federal Government. (Refer to General Orders No. 100, also known as the Lieber Code; the first Executive Order issued April 24, 1863 by then, known as President, B.A.R. attorney, Abraham Lincoln.)

To clarify: there are three jurisdictions represented by the word L.A.W.

• Land – the top six inches of soil, and the land which is under those top six inches of soil and under all water worldwide;

• Air – Ecclesiastical, (the Vatican);

• Water – the sea and navigable waters (maritime), and open seas (admiralty);

Our original, Sovereign Government is based upon a bottom-up flow of power and authority by unincorporated assemblies of living people, not a top down hierarchical command structure that rules over people with corporations. We want you to know that true Americans, the people with the proper status, standing and jurisdiction, do not cede our Sovereignty to the agencies that serve us, nor to our private subcontractors…

“Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal; Notice to Principal is Notice to All Agents.

Greetings Sheriffs,

We wish to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as The [state Name] State Assembly (unincorporated, land and soil Jurisdiction) and the governing body of [state Name]. We are an unincorporated State of the Union, and a Member of the Federation of States. We want to extend our hands in friendship and peace to every County Sheriff throughout the State of [State], Inc. The unusual looking flag that you see at the top of our letterhead is our Country's Civil Flag of Peace. This flag is the symbol of our peaceful and lawful intentions in communicating with everyone;
It is common knowledge that The Articles of Confederation, The Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution are Organic Law of the Land which is all American Common Law. It functions on the land jurisdiction of the United States and is attached to it. An American Common Law Court functions only within the geographically defined boundaries it serves. All the offices associated with a Common Law jurisdiction or a Common Law Court, including the Office of Sheriff, is by definition Public Offices. They are administered under the Organic Law of the United States known as the United States Statutes at Large. All Public Offices serve the government ‘of the people, for the people, and by the people’. All Public Offices are to be created and maintained by unincorporated body of politics – free associations of landowners and other members of the ‘free sovereign and independent people of the states’. As you can see from reading Amendment VII, all conflicts arising between the people and affecting private property of value in excess of $20, are owed service by an American Common Law Court. We hold this to be unarguable.

It is also common knowledge, Sheriffs hold the highest executive authority of all Law Enforcement and Peace Officers within the physical boundaries of a particular County and, no one, not the Governor, not the FBI, or even the U.S. Marshalls can claim jurisdiction in your County without your acquiescence. This is because the authority was conferred by election by the people of each County. Sheriffs are not appointed or hired by politicians or other authorities with certain vested interests; The Sheriff on the land is responsible for the enforcement of the Organic Law of our nation, including The Constitution, and the Public Law. Sheriffs are the highest peacekeeping officer in America within the boundaries of his County. He/she has sweeping powers to deputize men, commandeer equipment, facilities, and supplies to secure the peace and guarantee the enforcement of the Organic Law. A Sheriff on the land that is elected by the people acting in free association as landowners in their counties are to have a Public Bond and an Oath of Public Office.

The current Dilemma lies here within, when incorporated, offices that were public are removed from the jurisdiction of the land, and from the Law of the Land; and thus, when our Counties and States incorporated as franchises of the Federal ‘United States, Inc.’ they became franchises in the same sense as we have franchises of Dairy Queen. These offices no longer function as intended under the organic laws of the counties or states. They function as private corporate entities no different than Burger King or Wal-Mart. These offices have no authority as government, and are reduced merely to ‘governmental services corporations’. All the offices that were public offices associated with them immediately devolved to merely private status.
Thus, if the ‘County Sheriff’ is working for such a ‘Federal County’ or ‘Federal State’ franchisee, they are no longer a Public Official. All jurisdictional authority was replaced with ‘Public Policy’ witch effectively usurped all authority given from those in the county that elected the Sheriff at the very moment the office was incorporated. The fact that the Sheriff’s ‘Department’ may, or may not be contractually obligated to provide ‘law enforcement services’ in no way imbues the department or any incorporated office with governmental authority or liable immunity. As currently stood up, LEOs (Law Enforcement Offices) and Sheriff’s Departments are set up as incorporated franchises of the parent corporation, The United States Incorporated Federal Government, through various sub-corporations like The State of [State] and are all required to abide by the ‘in-house rules’ or ‘policies’ of the ‘United States, Inc.’ rather than that of the Organic Laws of the United States, and the laws of the communities they serve.

‘Theirs’ (the de facto Territorial and Municipal Federal Government), are governments ‘of the corporation, by the corporation, and for the corporation’. Their job does not involve enforcement of the Organic Laws of the United States. Their job is merely to write ‘codes, statutes, and regulations’ which are ‘legislated’ in foreign maritime (British territorial), and Municipal (international) jurisdictions that are specifically meant to apply solely to said corporations, corporate entities, trusts, transmitting utilities, and their employees, but are ‘hoisted’ on the American people, living on the land and soil, as ‘color of Law’. The same applies to the FBI, FEMA, DHS, BATF, IRS, and the host of other quasi-law enforcement ‘agencies’. They continue to act as if they are the lawful government of the United States of America and as if they have authority over the people of the United States, when in fact they do not, and have never.

This is made clear in a recent major questions doctrine decision [delivered the 30th day of June, 2022] the West Virginia v. EPA ruling by the US Supreme Court that states, in all, that agencies and departments have no rule making authority or power given to its body by the people, and that US Congress may not delegate them to any other ‘power’ (aka...franchisee, department, agency etc). In the more recent case, Sackett v. EPA (Argued October 3, 2022—Decided May 25, 2023), goes further to say that legislation passed by congress must not be “vague and ambiguous”.

The Justices affirm an older pre-existing case, Norton v. Shelby County [118 U.S. 425 (1886)] where ‘acts of a de facto incumbent of an office lawfully created by law and existing are often held to be binding from reasons of public policy, the acts of a person assuming to fill and perform the duties of an office which does not exist de jure can have no validity whatever in law.’ This includes the Internal Revenue Service (territorial) and the IRS (municipal) (both private debt collection agencies), all ‘3-letter agencies’, or any other sub-contractor, franchisee, agency, or assign of the territorial or municipal governments. The ‘General Public’, who are Americans standing on their original jurisdiction, are relieved from the burdens of Administrative ‘LAW’, Courts, and ‘Codes’.

Before proceeding any further, it is important for you to know and understand that the Declaration that created this great Country and the Compacts (Constitutions) that formed the American Government and limited its authority, meant for us to work together to serve and protect the people and not for them to be ruled over.

The people cannot be judged nor be ruled over by their creation. As man cannot assume control over God Almighty, those who wish to lord over the people misconstrue the essence of sovereignty. True Americans, by their nature, do not seek to overturn this natural order of things. Thus, be mindful that your authority is derived from the people; it is not assumed or created by you. This has been clear ever since the three Compacts were established and agreed to by the Principals:

  1. in 1787 by the Federal Government d/b/a the States of America (a Republic - American, which has been missing since 1860)
  2. in 1789 by the Territorial Government d/b/a the United States of America (a British Democracy)
  3. in 1790 by the Municipal Government d/b/a the United States (a Papist Plenary Oligarchy).

The difference between The United States Congress (a corporation of sea/maritime jurisdiction sub-contracted to perform enumerated services) and the American Continental Congress (land jurisdiction), as it has not been taught to us, is historically clear. The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801 incorporated Washington, D.C., created a new Territorial Governments, and placed them under the exclusive control of the United States Congress. The ‘esteemed’ Abraham Lincoln (Esq.) BAR [British Accreditation Registrar] associate and attorney at LAW did organized a Delaware Corporation along with the remaining members of Congress to function as a Board of Directors in place of the American Continental Congress, and through 1874 to 1885, states on the land were reorganized and new ‘Federal States’ were created with new ‘State’ Constitutions. The original States were renamed and the ‘Federal States’, now corporate franchisees of the United States of America Inc. operating in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea, usurped the name the ‘State of [State]’.

It was in 1976 ‘Congress’ (operating as the Board of Directors of the ‘United States, Inc.’ doing business in the name of the International Monetary Fund) declared, with no lawful authority at all, that all American state offices and state laws were ‘vacated’, and was released into the trusteeship of the United Nations. (See: International Organizations Immunity Act and the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act) This had the affect of further removing all Federal County and Federal State and Federal Agency personnel from any valid Public Office. ‘Agencies’ have continued to use the names of our public government offices and units, such as the ‘Bureau of Land Management’ and ‘U.S. Small Business Administration’ and nearly every ‘Sheriff’ of American counties are merely trademarked names, like brand names under new management, and have no meaning in terms of their actual authority or function

Virtually all the Sheriffs in this country have been converted in this surreptitious way from being ‘peacekeeping officers’ to being ‘law enforcement officers’--- leaving nobody in charge of enforcing the Organic Laws and Public Laws of this nation, except the People themselves. This has led to the presumption in International circles that our Government is in interregnum and held in abeyance; this has now been answered by the American People who have declared and recorded their political status and brought their State Assemblies into session by request of the summoning authority -‘The’ United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, the states of the Union.

Now, given this as a background, all ‘Sheriffs’ and ‘Deputies’, and others involved in this travesty, ask your selves the following questions:

  1. Am I working for a corporation? (No capacity to exert any governmental authority; a private ‘law enforcement officer’)

• enforce ‘codes, statutes, and regulations’
• employed by some version or franchise of the current ‘federal corporation’
• operating under international law
• no public bond
• no public office

  1. Am I working in public capacity? (Peacekeeping Officer with authority of the actual government owed to the land jurisdiction of the people of the United States)

• employed by the people
• enforcing the Organic Law and Public Law
• public bond
• public office

  1. Am I a ‘citizen’ of District of Columbia or an employee of the bankrupt District of Columbia Municipal Corporation?

  2. Am I aware of being a UN Corporation employee?

  3. What is going on here?

  4. What am I doing, am i upholding the peace (Peacekeeper), or am i enforcing policy (Policy Officer)

  5. How do you feel about your answers?

Note: all corporations and all employees of all corporations are obligated to obey the Organic and Public Laws of this nation, and not doing so, can be considered acting as an ‘Outlaw’ on the land or a ‘Pirate’ on the sea, and perpetuating war crimes against unarmed non-combatants when in trespass upon private property. The people of this country have the absolute right to defend their lives and their property when being threatened and trespassed upon by their own misdirected employees who are required to provide them with Good Faith Service. All those presently acting as ‘corporate Sheriffs’ and ‘FBI Agents’ and ‘DHS Agents’ and so on need to recognize to be very circumspect in their actions, and are recognized as merely private corporate entities trespassing on private property. Any presentation or pretense otherwise under color of Law is constructive fraud and a violation of protected constitutional guarantees.

ALL MEN DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES whether they want to participate in the institutions of men, or not; The United States Supreme Court confirmed this when they said, ‘every man is independent of all LAWs, except those prescribed by nature; He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellow man without his consent’ [Cruden Neale, 2 N.C. 338 May Term(1796)].

The soil jurisdiction of the Counties is where the actual power of this Country began. Its source is rooted in the living men and the living women who are of the land and soil, so indeed, all lawfully delegated powers originate from the people. As such, we require there shall be no unwarranted discriminations, persecutions, violence toward the people, or the business of those aligned with the people of the [State]State Assembly, whose mission is to restore the missing branch of our Lawful Government;

What do we mean by restoring the missing branch of our Lawful Government?
There are jurisdictional boundaries that have not been well-understood or well-enforced in recent years that must, nonetheless be honored without trespass or transgression by corporatized Law Enforcement under ‘color of law’.
First, we need to describe what [State] actually is:

• [State] is the actual organic state which has land mass with physically defined State and County borders. It is an unincorporated State of the Union and a member of the Federation of States. Its ‘lawful’ Government consists of an Assembly of living people, and its people consists of the living men, the living women, and all children on the land and soil;
• Our self-governing authority is founded upon the letter and spirit of the The Articles of Confederation, The Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution, the United States Statutes at Large, as adopted with the Charters of the original Thirteen Colonies, of which [State]is one. These, in turn, find their source in the Law of Exodus (i.e. The 10 Commandments of the Old Testament and Judaic (Mosaic) Orthodox Hebrew Commercial law), and this, in plain language, is the fabric of American Common Law upon which we stand, work, play, and rest;

As opposed to:

• e.g. ‘The State of South Carolina, Inc.’, which is a corporate fictional ‘territory’, a legal construct that exists on paper, has no land mass or physical borders, and therefore is only a representation of a State, but not an actual State. It is a corporation, it has a hierarchical command structure that operates the corporation and functions as a ‘legal’ government, but not a ‘Lawful’ Government;
• Its citizenry consists of ‘legal persons’ as defined in Black's Law Dictionary, and its codes, rules, and regulations are private law, i.e., having the ‘color of law’ only;

We want to ensure that all ‘people’ and ‘persons’ get due process and are properly identified according to the law they voluntarily stand-under. We wish to take the time to explain the actual State Governments, of, for, and by the people, has until recently, not been in session. That is, because the States of America, the Republic, the American portion of the Federal Government, was allowed to collapse at the end of the Civil War! In spite of several attempts, the re-construction was never completed, and that the de jure American Government has not been in session since then, until now. The task of Reconstruction has been underway for several years. All fifty states of the Union have a functioning, unincorporated State Assembly on the land and soil jurisdictions are now in session, called the State Assembly. However, our failure to finish this job long ago has allowed foreign usurpation and a continuous “state of emergency” within the jurisdictions of the Federal Government. (Refer to General Orders No. 100, also known as the Lieber Code; the first Executive Order issued April 24, 1863 by then President Abraham Lincoln.)
To clarify: there are three jurisdictions represented by the word L.A.W. (For a complete description, please refer to the enclosed Flow Chart of Authority.)

• Land – the top 6” of soil and the land which is under the 6” topsoil and all water;
• Air – Ecclesiastical, (the Vatican);
• Water – the sea and navigable waters (maritime), and open sea (admiralty);

Our original, Sovereign Government is based upon a bottom-up flow of power and authority by unincorporated assemblies of living people, not a top down hierarchical command structure that rules over people with corporations. We want you to know that true Americans, the people with the proper status, standing and jurisdiction, do not cede their Sovereignty to the agencies that serve us, nor to their private subcontractors.

We are not dependents of, nor are we employees of the incorporated Territorial or Municipal Government organizations. We are not acting in the capacity of, nor adopting the political status of U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States. Both of these political statuses were created by the Federal Constitutions and apply only to actual government employees and their dependents.

We affirm and declare that we are American State Nationals and have returned to our lawful birthright political status of the state of our birth. We are members of the General Public and we keep the peace and uphold American Common Law. We are Inheritors of and Living and present Heirs of the Trust Indenture established by the unanimous Declaration of Independence (1776), and the organic laws of our State and Country, and the applicable unrevised United States Statutes at Large as they pertain to the general populace and the Military Law of Peace.
We, the men and women of the [state Name] State Assembly, are sending each of you Notice:

• We are EXEMPT from all Municipal duty and service at 50 U.S.C. §7 (c) and (e) of the 2012 edition
• We are NOT individual corporations created under Municipal law at birth due to a birth certificate
• The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and Amendment XI of the constitutions are proof no American is subject to foreign law

Our ONLY contracts are the Compacts (Constitutions) to which our States are a Party with the Principals of the Territorial Government Services Provider, d.b.a., the United States of America, Inc. and the Municipal Government Services Provider d/b/a the United States, Inc.

We claim all remedies owed to the general population including, but not limited to:

  1. Reversionary Trust Interest, 12 USC 95(a)
  2. Regulation Z
  3. Lawful Money
  4. The Enabling Clause, before every Act of Congress
  5. The Brother’s Keeper Clause, 18 USC 241 and 242
  6. West Virginia v. EPA (2022) and antecedent case Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886)

We, the men and women of the [state Name] State Assembly, stand with courageous sheriffs. We essentially espouse the tenets of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) who refuse to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional or to allow others into their jurisdictions to exceed their mandated, constitutional authority, meaning, even if you are acting in an incorporated jurisdiction. We ask you to embrace your Public Duty to serve and protect all the people, uphold the organic constitution (at large), and maintain the peace; it is imperative each of you this Notice presents help spread this information and/or help get this into the hands of all County Sheriffs, all Police Departments, all Officers, and all Federal Agencies state wide.

We, the men and women of the [state Name] State Assembly, invite you to take part in what is quite possibly the greatest civics project in modern history! Those engaged in this historic process are here to serve, and to do our Public Duty as a self-governing people.

We, the men and women of the [state Name] State Assembly, hope to elicit the cooperation of all sheriffs in our State to inform all deputies within your specific jurisdiction about who we are and what we stand for. We are also writing separately to all police departments within [state Name] State in hopes that this letter will also be sent through their chains-of-command to better serve and protect all the people of our beloved State.

We, the men and women of the [state Name] State Assembly, ask each of you meet with us peaceably, and allow us to further share information, open lines of communication, and work hand in hand to make right what was wrong.

We, the men and women of the [state Name] State Assembly, demand your cooperation towards removing county sheriff Departments from being incorporated under federated policies, and restore each county sheriff’s Office back to the land and soil jurisdiction, thereby un-incorporating and returning it to stand under Public Law with full authority.

We, the men and women of the [state Name] State Assembly, would like a reply to all questions asked, and in return we promise to answer any question you may have and in the future we would like to engage in open dialog.

We, the men and women of the [state Name] State Assembly, appreciate your due diligence, commitment to serve, and hard work. We intend to support your peacekeeping efforts by our honest, peaceful cooperation.

With the be-moring of the Supreme Spirit, the manifestation of what is True, and the American way, we retain the right to make these corrections together!”
