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Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood - 07:26 AM EST - 10/02/2017

Not really wanting to write this article, I still felt compelled to do so. With a deeply saddened heart, yet to know If I know any of the victims, I grieve today with millions of other Americans, and really, the rest of the world who deals with this tragedy on a daily basis in their countries, for the greatest non-military related loss of human souls in one disgusting, weak, small-minded act of another white American man.

I refuse to give this animal the decency of announcing his name in my article, as I am sure one can get that from numerous other sources, including my twitter page. @authorColinBMW

This disgrace for a human being has torn at the heart of a country that is reeling from 3 huge hurricanes, who is fighting to oust the most demonized President in history, is battling racist issues every day, and nearing a disastrous health care bill approval, and turned it's heart upside down. America has hit a new low today everyone. I'm not sure, that since the time of slavery and our own civil war, have we been so embarrassed as a nation and what our country seems to stand for now a days.

We will find out in the coming days who this fanatical beast was, and I won't be surprised to find out he is a Trump supporter, a racist, a white supremacist, and the such. If I'm wrong...well, you know...

As our nation's leader continues to separate the country through racial statements, turmoil, and congressional bills, and reiterates his disdain for Mexicans, and Muslims, and Puerto Ricans, he also side-steps the continuing issue and tension across America of white supremacy, KKK, or basically, haters of the true Constitution of the United States.

Who knows what was going through this nuts mind as he gunned down hundreds of victims from the Hotel Mandalay far across the street from an outdoor concert venue? We don't know yet, but we must find out and then demand that these kind of people be searched out, and found, and recognized.

How can you do that yourself? Open your eyes and heart, and listen to that guy a few chairs down at the bar, or across the street ranting, or online posting their hate for minorities, gun control, liberals, and talk about this being their America, and that it's been ruined by democratic policies. These are the guys folks! Surely, as we know, it's only a small percentage of these nuts that actually go out and do something, but isn't the damage that one person can do enough for us to open our eyes to what is happening around us and around America?

Why is this country regressing to a time of deep rooted hatred again? Is it possible that we've never left it behind, and it's just been simmering for the past 50+ years? Maybe I'm way off base and this was a family guy who lost everything...but at 64 years of age, I highly doubt it. This is a disgruntled old man.

I met a man like this yesterday at a local bar watching the football games. He could only talk about what a huge star he was in local high school and sports, while at the ripe age of about 78. But, it was what he thought was humorous hate breathing fire from his mouth. It was difficult to know when he might be kidding or was serious, he was that diluted in his beliefs. He did remind me though, of what is still holding back America, and it's hard to say, but it's the folks still running this country that were born before 1950. It was a different time then, and a different mindset, and admittedly, this is not a blanket statement about all individuals over 60 or 70, but more of an awakening to the fact that a decent percentage of men and women in this age group who still run our societies, clubs, court rooms, Congress, the White House and more, are still stuck in their old ways, their old beliefs, and their old fears! I may chance to say, that when the ones who have not invoked change into their daily mantras have passed, that change for our country may finally begin to take shape. Thankfully, we do also have plenty of good-hearted folks in these age groups, but as they say, "just one bad apple spoils the bunch", so imagine thousands of bad apples spoiling our constitutional rights, our countries safety, and our countries health, as it seems in Congress.

When comparing ourselves to other living creatures on the planet, it really seems that man is the lone creator of evil endeavors, and I only wonder, in opposition to the biblical belief of the devil, where this evil in man originated...