I spoke at HiveFest7 - here are my thoughts.

It was back in Amsterdam and it was my first time in Amsterdam ever.


I was speaking in that white building you see just to the right of my face

I did the presentation as the 3 speaker of day 1, it was nice, because I was nerveus and wanted it to get overwith, so I liked that spot in the beginning. As a truther, I felt like most people there was not even ready for LasseCash as a products. I had put a lot of thought into the presentation, but I am a very sensitive person, and when I was on stage I felt like the audience was not even ready for all the details I could tell, so I kept it on a much higher meta-level, just kind-of telling that: "Hey, there is something called LasseCash check it out".

I only found one other flat earther in that conference. Everyone attending was mostlikely BALLHEADS and more or less statist minded people, expect for one other person than me. I mean I found one other flat earther, that wanted to keep it a secret and I founded a few ancap minded people, thats it, the rest was statist/BALLHEAD minded people, which is ABSURD when we are dealing with the first attempt to put social media on the blockchain.

It was hard work for me to be around those type of people, I am not even sure it was a good idea to begin with? And I dont know what I think about Hive anymore, I mean I already knew that all of the whales where BALLHEADs, but seen this crowd in person made a bigger impact on me than to observe it behind a computer screen.

I did thank @roelandP for letting me talk, I also suggested to talk next year again, but on second thoughts I dont even know if I want that, unless something change drastically in the crowd, like more ancaps/flat earthers at next hivefest, also I dont know if these guys will let me talk again, kind-of doubt it.

It was nice to be around people that all use cryptocurrency and that was the first time in my life, to be around so many people at the same time that do that, unfortunately they where just a very different breed than me. So was it worth it? I am not sure. Will I go next year? I am not sure.

There was a bunch of people that where very friendly and that was very positive, despite the mental battles.

I also have my flaws and what I learned most of all is, that I need to fix my body sooner than later, but I kind-of knew that already, just a bold reminder.

Anyway thanks for the experience anyway.

Lasse Ehlers


Selfie from the airplane on the way home

Posted using LasseCash

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