Making Allergy Medicine For My Children


Children's Medicine? Or Low Dose Adult Medicine?

There are massive markups on children's "chewable" medicine. Because they are in tablet form that are sweetened, the cost of the medicine is multiplied many times over. The dosage is much lower than adult suppliments. So this got me a thinking: how can I administer natural medicine to my children in a form they would like?

The song came to my head "Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down" from Marry Poppins. But better than sugar is RAW HONEY.

I pulled up a large jar of honey from our stores along with my natural sinus and lungs suppliment. It just so happens that this "BREATH" suppliment has almost identical ingredients to the expensive chewable we were purchasing for my child.


I did some quick maths and figured out the right dose per tsp. I calculate the dosage per serving that was about equal to the suppliment he was already regularly taking.

2 cups honey = 96 tsp (servings)
1/2 capsules per TBS = 16 capsules


Bright Green Herbal Medicine

This suppliment has quercitin which is known for it's bright green color. There's also vitamin D and nettle and butterbur plants included. These tablets work wonders for my lungs and sinuses, opening them up and making it easier to breath - true to it's name.

They help my little boy also.


Pour In the Honey

I pour in about 2 cups of honey in a mason jar and begin opening the veggie capsules and dropping in the powdery green medicine.


I keep opening capsules and dropping in the powder, but it seems to be floating on top of the thick syrupy honey. I decide to heat the honey up to make it looser and mix it with a chop-stick. It's starting to blend!


After much vigerous stiring with the chopstick, I realized I need heavier equipment. I get out the immersion blender, stick it in the loose hot honey and turn it on. Before I know it, it's completely blended together!


The Finished Product

The end result of this effort is 2 cups (96 servings) of a sweet and tasty natural suppliment to help my boy with his allergies. This will save our family money in avoiding overpriced chewables.

Overpriced chewables are $20 for 60 servings= $0.33 / serving

My Honey brew is about $10 honey + $5 capsules = $15.00 for 96 servings = $0.15 / serving

Saving 50% off the chewables price!


I gave some to my son and he smiled really big. "It tastes like honey!" PERFECT! The flavor of the suppliment is completely disguised in the honey.



Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX (!!!) wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


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