Seven Words of Arcturus | Larry's Hunting Report - Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Seven Words of Arcturus.

These words come from "Little Witch Academia" and are useful for our life journey. It shows the 3 out of 7 words of Arcturus in the first season, which can bring good hope to someone who loses hope for this world. All words referenced to Little Witch Academia on Netflix.

The first word is "Noctu Orfei Aude Fraetor" which means "Aim unto the truest target." Attaining one's dream is bound to include many difficulties along the way. At times, you may just feel like giving up altogether. But you should never let that fire in your heart die out. Keep your passion alive and continue to aim unto the truest target

The next word is "Phaidoari Afairrynghor" which means "You might not get the things that you dream of, but you can always get the things that you work for."

The third word is "Arae Aryrha" which means "Open your heart. Let's laugh together!"

Little Witch Academia
cc: Netflix

From those first three, it'll be about dreaming and making a target > Just dreaming isn't enough and we need to work hard to achieve it > We're not alone in this world, being together and having fun are also important. With those in mind, Little Witch Academia is good for children or adults to teach about never giving up despite many problems or failures. As children think about dreams, adult thinks about goals. That's how a parent can also become a friend to their children. Understanding different word usage to connect the adult and children world together. That's also one thing that makes me understand my nieces and nephews 🤗. Learn before being a parent myself... Tho, I still focus on work and not looking for a candidate yet 🤣.

Have a nice day everyone~

The #LarryIsAlive contest

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Leadsleap + TrafficAdBar + FreeAdvertisingForYou + InfinityTrafficBoost

Hunting report!

  • Leadsleap
    Requirement: View 10 ads
    Status: Done
    Result: View 13 ads
  • TrafficAdBar
    Requirement: View 25 websites
    Status: Done
    Result: View 27 websites
  • FreeAdvertisingForYou
    Requirement: Finished 10 of any Ads listed
    Status: Done
    Result: Finished 6 out of 6 available tasks.
  • InfinityTrafficBoost
    Requirement: Surf 10 Pages
    Status: Done
    Result: Surf 100 Pages.

For those who would like to try, you can click on the banner below to redirect you to the websites with my reference link 👍





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