i LOVE Life #1 [ So you say aren’t a coder, but you are. ] Food for thought.

So you say aren’t a coder, but you are.

You are doing it right now. Every day you decipher information on a level beyond any computer. Each word you read in this post triggers a set of some of the universe’s most complex functions. A dance of chemically induced electrical responses organized into thoughts.

Do thoughts travel?

The brain uses biomechanical transmissions such as voice or body language to project thoughts into the material world. Collectively all of our brains have devised a way to increase the propagation of these thoughts via television and the internet. Now one of our most powerful methods of biomechanical transmission is nothing more than fingers clacking away on a keyboard.

Now think about what is happening every time you hear a word.

I found myself lost in the music of a song and a lyric entered my mind. “Lost in Trees.” Instantaneously hundreds of different trees entered my mind as I have no idea what type of trees the artist referring to. Being “lost in the trees” I imagine there must be many trees, so mostly likely they were referring to a forest. Since I was listening to an American song the forest was most likely in North America.

But thoughts aren’t like transferring information from one container into another.

The transmission of thoughts is more like sowing seeds in a garden. You can plant the seed in someone’s mind in an attempt to make it grow into a thought resembling your own. The better we nurture them the more they share similarities, but ultimately every garden grows a little different. So my forest lies in under the great Sequoia in California, while yours may be near the Appalachian trail.

During the song there was an immense amount of audio data, sound waves, being received. If you ever listened to a song you enjoyed but don’t remember a single word it is because you just took all that information as one signal. It requires additional processes to separate them into music and lyrics. Isn’t it incredible how well you can break down the frequencies?

What is a word to you now?

In the end, every word you say is a complex code that has taken millions if not billions of years to develop. From stardust to life. Passed down through the generations. Words are the code we use. They are powerful. If you ever made a dollar on Steemit that should be proof enough.

Image Sources: 1, 2

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