Beautiful Nature

Evolution, turning points ~ in my life they come from trying to lean towards the light. To question where I find meaning ~ goodness, truth and beauty. And to direct my life accordingly.
Recently this has resulted in a crisis of sorts. To separate my art and work from those with more of an inclination towards undeclared compositing of landscape photography.
And a step away from ambition.
To be removed from the hordes seeking steemit followings and sponsorships.
To let my photography be about what it grew from ~ pure love of the landscape as it is, and the natural world.
And to chase light and be excited when it matches the place where I am. To play that delightful and difficult and frustrating but so rewarding game of being in the right place at exactly the right time. To experience that thrill.
But more than anything to be there, in the wild landscape, feeling, smelling, tasting, hearing, seeing. And becoming.
When I started this journey of being there with a camera, I was self taught in the field and clueless with a computer.
I found photographers on Flickr back then, and looked for someone whose processed images were to my eye, some of the most beautiful ( and still are) ~ I found who with incredible patience and method taught me about using photoshop in a painterly way ~ about layers and masks, colour basics, how to blend images by hand for dynamic range and so much more. And who set me on a path of authentic processing with artistic sensitivity.
That goes with me into this next phase of reclaiming the pure passion and artistry with integrity and awe and joy.



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