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Litchi Cultivation Method.

Litchi cultivation method in Bangladesh. I will share with you the method my uncle cultivates litchi in our village. He cultivates litchi in my uncle's 1 bigha land. And because of good yield he earns a lot of money.

Soil suitable for litchi cultivation:
Primarily, fertile sandy loam soils rich in organic matter and drained are best for litchi cultivation. According to scientists, litchi cultivation is possible only if the soil pH is 6.5-6.8 However, litchi can also be cultivated in flat or high and medium high land.

 Climate, Rainfall and Humidity:

Lychee grows well in warm and humid climates Annual rainfall is 150 cm. And relative air humidity of 70-85% is suitable for litchi cultivation Depending on soil and climate type, irrigation should be done every 7-10 days in summer and every 10-12 days in winter.

 Preparation of Cultivation Land:

The land selected for cultivation should be weeded and leveled by plows and tractors.
Pits of size 1 meter 1 meter 1 meter should be dug at 10 meter distance in square method in plain land and contour method in hilly land. 1 year old "guti kalam" should be used as seedlings for planting May-June is suitable for land preparation Mix 20-25 kg of organic manure, 5 kg of wood ash, 200-300 grams of gypsum, 40-60 grams of zinc sulfate with the soil above the hole and fill the hole. After that, keep it with water for a few days In the months of August-September, 250 grams of urea and MOP should be mixed with the soil.
Cultivation Care:
Trimming the branches:
Dead branches should be cut off occasionally so that the main stem of the tree can grow 3-5 feet Unnecessary weeds should be removed.

     Weed Suppression:

The land should always be kept free of weeds for the growth of plants At the beginning and at the end of the rainy season, the weeds should be cleared with a spade
Bud Break:
Buds should be broken during the first 3 years, due to the normal growth of the plant The tip of the tree up to 2 feet should be broken for the growth of branches.
Lychee plant worm or spider:
A spider-like insect attacks the leaves of the litchi plant and causes reddish-brown spots on the leaves As a result, the tree does not grow and the yield also decreases As a remedy, the affected tip should be pruned Every 10 liters of water should be mixed with 20 grams of thiovit Also, tar should be applied around the stem.