☻☻Steemit Kung Fu Lesson # 4 Learning Kung Fu, The Rooster Stance Also Called The Crane Stance☻☻

In todays Steemit Kung Fu lesson you will be learning the Rooster Stance. With this being the 4th lesson I hope you have been practicing lessons 1-3.

Jin Ji Du Li (金雞獨立)

Jin Ji Du Li, translated as “golden rooster stands on one leg,” is popularly known as the crane stance, used heavily in karate.
It is formed by raising one knee to its maximum height. The facing can be either to the front or the side, relative to the opponent.
As with karate, Jin Ji Du Li is used as a platform for frontal kicks, as well as side kicks. It is also frequently employed defensively
to deflect low to middle height kicks. Lastly, it is used in Northern styles for Tiao Bu (“jump step”) and Dan Tiao (“single-jump”),
two techniques of movement for advance or retreat. It is also known as the crane stance in many martial arts.

The Rooster Stance is the 3rd stance I teach my students. In the below videos you will learn the stance as well as the Rooster Stance Drill
I teach my students.

Be sure to practice often to improve your balance and Kung Fu skill.

I hope you enjoyed todays lesson, be sure to follow along with my lessons to improve your Kung Fu skills.


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