What is KRWHALE?

How to use

How it Works:

  • Without fail the post you want to vote is not within 48 hours of payout.
  • Copy the URL of post that you want @krwhale to vote on.
  • Navigate to your wallet and click transfer with the Steem or SBD
  • Put To field with [krwhale]
  • Put amount field with 0.5(Steem or SBD)
  • Paste URL into Memo section
  • Submit

How to Confirm

  • @krwhale will leave a comment after voted.
  • @krwhale will now place a vote over 1sbd. (depending on Steem market value it could be $0.8 - $1.2)
  • Therefore, if the voting power decrease because of lots of applicant, won’t vote until to charge the voting power.
  • To assure the compensation, voting power and voting weight could be flexibly changed.
  • You could check how many posts are in waiting in real time with URL below
  • http://tinyurl.com/y7wav96x

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