Mountain 🗻

The mountain is a form of land that stands out above the surrounding area. The mountain is part of the earth's soaring surface compared to the surrounding area. A mountain is usually taller and steeper than a hill, but there is similarity, and use often depends on local custom. Some authorities define mountains with peaks over a certain magnitude; for example, the Encyclopædia Britannica requires a height of 2000 feet (610 m) to be defined as a mountain.

A mountain is usually formed from tectonic movements of plates, orogenic movements or epeirogenic movements. Mountains are a collection or a mountain range.


The mountain is a form of ground surface that is much higher than the ground in the surrounding area. Mountains are generally larger than hills, but a hill somewhere may be higher than what is called a mountain somewhere else. Mountains generally have steep and steep slopes or may also be surrounded by peaks or mountains. At some mountain heights can have two or more different climates, species of plants, and life.

There is actually no general definition for mountains. Altitude, volume, relief, steepness, distance and continuity can be used as criteria in defining a mountain. According to KBBI, the definition of a mountain is "a very large and high hill (usually more than 600 m high)" [1]

The highest mountain in Indonesia is Puncak Jaya located in Papua. image

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