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Policarpo [Delivery#1]


My Polycarp is the character I want to take to another level, to another step, just as Nietzsche climbed wisdom with Zarathustra, I want to do it with my Polycarp. I had recently published some things about my polycarp, but I have already finished this project and I have an order that will help you understand better. Here I am presenting my Polycarp in a more orderly and wise way. It's not a book of poetry, it's not a novel, and I don't know what genre it's in myself.

Enjoy, you will be the first to delight in Polycarp and his mole wisdom. I say mole because it belongs to an underground man from a man of darkness, it is the wisdom of a man from below.

Polycarp was a lonely man, a man full of loneliness, but on his face you could see the message he brought. You could see the words in his mouth on his face, but no one could know what he was talking about. Everyone understood this because everyone knew of his lonely state.

Everyone knew that his best companion was the pen, and his best friend the paper, in the surroundings of his house there were leaves flying through the air, and in them words were written as if they were written by the gods, or as if God took the hand of Polycarp and put in them those great proverbs.

That's why people went to where the wise man lived; they came to his house because they wanted to feed their hearts, they wanted to deposit in their souls the stuck words that Polycarp had in his throat. They knew that he was not a savior, much less a redeemer, but they knew that loneliness had prepared him for a time like this, where all human beings were in social decline, where humanity had forgotten humanism. They kept in mind that this powerful sage, full of darkness and tormented by demons, had the precise words to water the spirits of these villagers.

So they all came together to Polycarp's house, and a man with a grainy voice shouted:

Wise man, come out. We're talking to you, loneliness man. Polycarp, we ask you to feed our hearts with your words.

The man came out, and his appearance was careless, with sunken eyes and bags hanging under his eyes, his eyebrows totally disheveled, his nose pointed and thin, his lips covered with dryness and his cheeks grey or perhaps white, but one could perceive that he had not seen light for many years.

In his hand there was a scroll in his hand and in the other his pen dripping with ink, as if it had been interrupted in the midst of the process of flashes of wisdom. But every time he approached the people in the village, a medium smile was drawn on him because of the pleasant surprise of feeling valued by those people.

Policarpo dijo:

"What else can I tell you about but life and its beauty?"

People were happy about the man's departure; And a young man said:

Yes, Policarpo, tell us about life.

And the wise man of the solitudes answered:

Did you ever think it's lucky to be born? But today I say that it is a blessing, it is the most loving act that the universe has given us this life, but they have only been aware of one life, the most beautiful act is when we are aware of all the lives we have had, yes, it is true, we have had many bodies, but only one soul.

Our soul reveals to us who we really are and what we can bring to this pleasing world. Today they come to me because they think that humanity is in decline, but as long as their hearts hold fast to their convictions humanity will always be at its highest.

You have listened there, you have even recited those old words that he says, love your neighbor as yourself, and I say to you today, do not recite them any more, but activate those words, because he who lives by what is said dies unbelieving, but he who lives in action sees the manifestations that are presented to him in this life.

Take the hand of the one you have at your side, and see his eyes and you will realize that life is about observing, and the one who observes the most is the one who lives the most, because he lives under the experience of a good observer. It is said that God is in Heaven, but I tell you today that God dwells in your hearts, it would be an affront to my own divinity if I did not tell you this: You are divine, you are one with God, and God is one with you rejoice that when you are content, smile.

Over the course of the week I'll be setting up the other deliveries. Everything here is based on my inspiration.

