My wife Huja, breaks her leg

Been a while since my last post, by last week my wife broke her leg. She is one of the most careful people I know, in fact always nagging me to watch my step, as I can be quite clumsy on occasion.

Here are the pics of her fracture, both the fibula and tibula broken!


I'm currently travelling between where we live and the hospital. It's takes me 2 hours each way, so not ideal. They have small camp beds for anyone who wants to stay, so I do just that. I stay two nights taking care of her and sleep there. Then I return for a change of clothes, have a shower and get some real sleep. During that day, her sister pops in for a few hours.

It clearly has shaken here confidence, realising how easy these things can happen at our age. She is really down, and I try my best to cheer her up, but most of the time I fail at getting her to smile.

My wife in hospital. Who on earth shows that wallpaper!!

When leaving the UK no one was willing to insurance for more than 3 months, without charging a fortune. So we only were insure for 3 months. This happened only a week after that period expired. Typical!

Managed to get Korean government insurance, but still costs a small fortune. I keep forgetting how fortunate we are in the UK. The national health service may not be the best, but it is free and broken bones is a straight forward thing to deal with.

My wife's scars on one side of her leg, more on the other

Poor thing will take a while to heal, looking forward having her home so I can take care of her here and not having to commute so much.

Anyway, thanks for understanding my lack of posts and take care all. Remember, we only have one life!

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