House warming party

Having now lived in South Korea for nearly 4 months, we thought it was about time to have a flat warming party and combine it with my mother in law's birthday. Just some of my wife's family, as I don't know that many people here as yet (and my Korean is coming along very slowly).

I had to include the cake first, we bought it in the morning, and I'd been starring at it until people arrived. It looked so tasty. Didn't help that I had been on a diet for a few weeks now. Yum.

For those who don't know, I intend on living in Korea for around a year. The reason being I have poorly neglected teeth and that's how long it'll take to have all the necessary work done. We thought why not have an extended holiday somewhere that has a great dental reputation, as I didn't want to have the work done in the UK. Unless you pay to attend the best dental practices, my experience has not been great in London.

So first the flat! As we are only staying until next summer, we don't see the point on wasting money on buying much furniture. So essentials only!

A table, tv and laptop, what more can any lounge/dinning room need :)

A bedroom, so what more do you need but... a bed!

There is of course a kitchen, shower room and a spare room, but you get the idea. The basics only.

We ate downstairs, as our building block has some great restaurants in it. The food was amazing.

Everyone getting stuck in

As always one of my nieces got all the attention and was the true star of the show.

At the head of the table where I belong!

Time to test this delicious food

Back to the flat for the most important part, the cake...

Those candles look crooked

and the cake is duly demolished

It was a great day. Everyone was relaxed, ate well and for those not driving plenty of drinks. Most of all there was cake!

I hope you enjoyed sharing my day, if so please feel free to upvote, follow or even resteem.

Thanks for dropping by.

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