Fighting for knowledge


Global manifestation 'March for Science' was marked for the second time in Croatia. It emerged in 2017 as a response to a US administration decision that questioned scientific facts such as global warming, endangering freedom and public funding of science.
This year's motivation for organizers is a further decline of education and science in our country. This is how it was on the Zagreb march.

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Science today is threatened by total twisting of the facts. Young scientists are leaving Croatia, said organizer Tea Ovčević.

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Croatia should be a country in which public media promote science instead of pseudoscience and superstition - these were some of the protest messages. Very similar thinking is also made by Croatian psychologist Boris Jokić, who says that in the 21st century it is not worth investing only in things, we should invest in people.
'I'm here for my children, to show them that we should invest in science and culture', said Jokić.


Last year, the March included 500 cities around the world, this year even more.
Hundreds of people marched this Saturday in the narrow center of Zagreb and demanded that politicians put the emphasis on science because science deserves more respect.

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