Launching Kinoko - A Hive based Kombucha (wtf?)

As some of you know, after last year's SwarmFest in Bangkok me and my family went on a longer family trip to NZD. As SwarmFest and the Thai temperature in general had served me well in terms of Chang and Singha, I decided it would be best for my preservation to not touch alcohol in New Zealand. Not in the last place because we travelled using a campervan and I was designated driver of the beast :)

So in the quest for tasty alternatives with a bite I stumbled upon Kombucha and it didn't take long before it became my go to drink. During our travels I investigate how to make the good stuff. As, once I returned to NL I envisioned to start making it myself. Because, that stuff comes in quiet pricy in the supermarkets!

After some failed attempts I've finally launched some good batches and currently the weekly production is around 24 liters (48 pints), which I share with friends, family and try to find some local distribution outlets for (and advertise very locally on facebook).

Ok cool story bro. But whaddup with Hive?

Well. first off I found there is a funny similarity in Kombucha we also find in blockchains: To create a fresh batch of Kombucha one always need 1 part of "starter tea", which consists of a previously created batch of Kombucha. This needed element "chains" all Kombucha together and can be compared to how in for example the Hive blockchain a previous block is linked in the signatures of transactions, by using the so-called "relblocknum".

I envisioned making an opensource version of the drink, as I learned everything about it via internet myself. To gather all knowledge I therefore use the @kinoko account to post recipes related to Kombucha as well as product updates.

Kinoko sample delivered in SwarmFest's Volkshotel - Amsterdam

Internet of Things - Sensor logs on the Blockchain

In the fermentation room I have some sensors which automatically hourly register those logs over MQTT to JSON to the Hive chain (using Beempy). In the (hopefully near) future these automated customJson publications will result in shiny graphs on the labels of the drinks and on Kinoko's website.

Every week or so a new batch is bottled and brewed and the recipes and timestamps are also published as customJSON objects and irregularly I measure the pH value of the Kombucha to see its progress. These are all logged as customJSON objects.

I intend to not only have a nice drink and spread the word about that, but also show the diversity of the Hive blockchain through a not so common usecase, like this one. Actually it could be a very nice usecase for others: think of restaurant temperature logging (proof of temperature)). But this is open for debate whether our "Blockchain for Social" should also be used for customJson data storage from machine readings.

Kinoko's website (dutch!) is live or join the zucking FB page and @kinoko on Hive ofc!

If you live nearby and want to taste some, feel free to ping me through that FB page. I generally only do deliveries by bike, or excemptions if you are already travelling by car, by accident, close by your area.

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