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My Original Cover Art for ''Kill the Messenger''

It has been six years since wikileaks editor Jullian Assange entered the Ecuadorian embassy in London and he hasn't left since. That's over 2100 days cooked up within those walls.
This has been as a result of US retaliation for wikileaks exposing information that those running the show in washington would have preferred to have kept private.

His revelations

2010- Afghan war document

Hundreds of unreported civilian deaths
Taliban attacks soar

2010-2011 Cablegate

250,000 cables from US embassies made public

2016- Podesta emails

Thousands of emails from clinton's campaign chief published

2017- Vault 7

Alleged CIA spying tools revealed

But should he be in such a place for so long, with his rights and freedom violated because of these. Even international organizations such as the UN has called his detention arbitrary and demanded his release. Concerns has been raised multiple times concerning his deteriorating health even in London court rooms. Jullian Assange's legal team have made appeals over and over again for him to be guaranteed secure passage if he were to walk out of Ecuadorian territory unto British soil, but to no avail. Even after being granted Ecuadorian citizenship, we all thought his story was going somewhere, but still nothing.
Its also said that since March, his access to the internet has also been caught off.
So i know its not going to be an easy task for just few people to let our voices heard, but i believe we can get the word out there through music, posts, design banners, #ReconnectJulian, a 10 hour-long online vigil event where friends and supporters of Jullian came together to speak for the voiceless. This also birth #Unity4J, an upcoming series of events taking place on the first weekend of each month which will feature high profile speakers giving testament to their support for and experience with Jullian Assange to be reconnected to his loved ones
So this is why i have made some designs for the cover art/thumbnail for ''Kill the Messenger'' song.