January Update : Keychain 3.0 Beta (New design) - Swap fee update - Progress report

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Let me start this post by wishing you a happy new year, and a bullish 2024 for Hive!
Better late than never, right? ;p
Seriously though, we have been working hard the past few months to prepare some new features and they're just around the corner.

Keychain 3.0 BETA

As you may know, if you read our proposal or past updates, we've spent some time working on a new interface with UI/UX designers and are now proud to introduce version 3.0 of the extension for Beta testing.

On top of the new design, you'll find some new features that have been requested for a while, such as light and dark themes, and a way to reorganize the order of the accounts.
Pro tip: you can switch quickly between the themes with Ctrl+T.

We don't want to spoil all the fun though, so if you want to discover this new interface ahead of time, go through the following steps to access the Beta:

  • Download (or update) Hive Keychain Beta
  • Export your accounts from the production version and import them into the Beta version
  • Disable (do not delete) the production version by toggling it off on your "Extensions" page
  • Have fun testing! Go around the design, use Keychain as usual and if you feel adventurous, try to break things!
  • Share your feedback/ bug reports on Discord, in the #extension-beta channel
  • When you want to switch back to the production version simply toggle it on, and toggle off the Beta version

Keychain Swap fees

Effective on January 22nd at midnight UTC, a 0.75% fee will be collected on all swaps processed by Keychain Swap.
With this fee, we aim to start generating revenue to reduce our reliance on the DHF, while staying lower than other wallets (0.875% for Metamask for instance). Better yet, by comparing all the different available providers, we ensure you get your tokens at the best possible price, which can offset the swap fee.

Ongoing work

While we're ready to iterate on your feedback regarding the Beta, we keep working on our future features.

Mobile UI/UX refactor

Since we don't want our Apps to lag behind the extensions, they got a makeover too! We're currently reviewing it internally and fixing the last few issues. You can expect an Android Beta next month, and iOS soon after.

Multisig integration

@cedricguillas is almost done integrating Hive Multisig into Keychain. Once completed, this feature will allow multisig accounts to initiate multisig operations, or be notified when their signature is requested.
We will explain it in more detail when this new version is ready for release.


  • An update of XCode made it difficult for us to push iOS updates. We're working on solving this issue ASAP, to have the iOS App catch up in terms of feature and design.
  • We're also working on improving the Keychain Store App, used by around 50 businesses in Venezuela, Mexico, and Cuba.
  • We've quickly created a map to visualize the location of these businesses, and the Hive Sucre community is helping us input the data when new businesses in Venezuela join the movement. Good work team!


To communicate with us, report an issue, or become a Beta tester, join our Discord by following this link.


@stoodkev : CEO - Witness
@cedricguillas : CTO - Witness
@theghost1980 : Front-end Developer
@manuphotos : Community Manager - Witness
@yabapmatt : Advisor - Witness

Support Hive Keychain development by voting for our proposal on PeakD or with HiveSigner.

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