Guaranteed Thoughts


Storm Spiders

At night
after the storm
broken branches
litter the road
like giant tarantulas.

My Grandfather's Gun

I have my grandfather's gun, a .32 caliber Smith & Wesson revolver. I don't know if he ever fired it. I also have my other grandfather's gold deputy sheriff's badge for Kent County, Michigan. Both enlisted in the Army in WWI and by WWII they were in their 40s as volunteer Deputy Sheriffs, deputized to serve as because the younger men were serving in the military. Both had John in their name. Named after their fathers.

Reading About Jack Kerouac

All the life put into him: the books, the trips, the loves, the seasons. And then one moment. like everyone else, it's gone.

Expiration Date

Time arrives in crates
from a far off distributor
unloaded in the back room
and sold retail.

The Optimist Creed

The green light is always waiting for you at the busy intersection.

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