Is Kartra the Best Online Marketing System?

We’re going to take a look at Kartra to see if it’s the best online marketing system out there like a ton of people are saying. I’m using it myself and I have also used ClickFunnels and so far I have to say Kartra is winning this competition pretty much hands down.

And in this review I reveal the one feature of Kartra that makes this system so far above any other that it’s just ridiculous. This feature alone by itself is worth 10x the price of Kartra (which by the way is surprisingly and refreshingly affordable).

Old Way vs. the New Way
I remember going way back with Mike Dillards courses on marketing (remember Magnetic Sponsoring)? I was in network marketing at the time and was looking for a system to help me market online rather than the old way of meetings and such. It all seemed so great until I looked at all the pieces that had to come together in order to have a successful online marketing system.

I must admit I became discouraged and also had “shiny object syndrome” and between those two distractions I just drifted for too many years trying to make money online. It all looked so easy when you first start out but you realize after some time and your money emptying out of your pockets that there’s a lot more to it than just being “one click away” from success.

In Up until now in order to be successful you had to buy and learn way more than one product in order to do it right. You had to learn how to:

Find a product
Build a website (learn design)
Learn how to build lead capture pages (effective ones)
Learn how to write copy
Learn email marketing
Put together esales letters
Learn how to talk to prospects because back then you were getting up front and personal
Learn how to build a brand
Learn to produce leads (that want to buy)
How to automate your campaign
Learn ecommerce for checkout
How to split test
There was a ton more too but you get the picture. All the pieces had to come together and it was always expensive. And you had to have each and every one of these things in order to make decent money but they were mostly all separate items and you paid dearly for each one.

It would take months to learn, a lot of out of pocket cash and tons of frustration.
If only Kartra were around from the beginning I know I would’ve made it a lot sooner than I did because Katra is amazing in that it’s literally “All in One” and solves all the problems that I stated.

I know some products claim that but you still need additional systems like email autoresponders just as one example. Take a look at this list and you’ll see all the products you won’t have to buy separately anymore or the people you won’t need to hire.

You will virtually launch your online marketing system without having to hire web designers or builders, copywriters or anyone else.

Site design with drag and drop page builders.
Kartra even hosts your site on it’s system.
Sell your own products on Kartra including upsells and downsells.
Done for you campaigns from start to finish or design your own.
Kartra Engagement analytics to track where leads come from.
Hundreds of professionally designed templates all 100% optimized.
Lead Capture Forms beautifully designed. Customize fields that include tagging and automation rules.
Host your videos on Kartra or simply integrate with Youtube, Wistia and Vimeo.
Credit card and Paypal checkout carts all secure and great looking.
Lead database system, organize your leads with lists/tags etc.
Engineer your very own multi-page funnels to flow the way you like designed to convert your visitors to leads and then to sales.
Includes live or automated email/SMS marketing campaigns that replace your need for Aweber or Mailchimp. (This alone saves you a ton of money).
Membership site? Kartra can deliver your content, courses, training with professionally designed drag and drop portal builder.
Produce videos that include pop up offers, lead capture forms and much more
Helpdesk portal with support ticketing and live chat.
Fully integrated dashboard including your calendar to organize your daily routine.
Want affiliates? You can recruit and manage a whole army of affiliates to promote your products with Kartra. Manage commissions and payments.
Want to integrate your own code? Kartra’s comprehensive API will allow you to do just that.
Start Your Free Trial of Kartra Today!

Everything in ONE account! Designed by Marketers for Marketers!

Everything in Kartra, no more separate products needed to waste your time. It’s all woven together, talking to each other, setting you up for complete success.

No more weak link in the chain. By that I mean without Kartra when one of your additionally needed platforms breaks down or is altered it won’t bring down your whole system. No separate support team that doesn’t understand what you’re trying to do or doesn’t understand another application frustrating you and wasting your time.

Will Kartra save you money? Uh, yeah.
All the separate platforms you used to have to buy could easily cost you $50 to a couple hundred a month. If you needed 5 or 6 for emailing, landing pages, shopping carts, helpdesk, analytics etc. you could easily be paying $2500 to $7,500 per year.

If you’ve done any online marketing at all you understand what a money saver Kartra is. When you put together all that is included I can’t say enough good things about Kartra.

BAM! What’s That?
Oh yeah! I mentioned earlier that I would talk about the one feature that all by itself makes Kartra a must have. It’s called BAM or Behavorial Adaptive Marketing. It personalizes the conversation all the way through the marketing process.

If you don’t know what I mean it’s built in AI and it will increase your revenue with absolutely no extra work, more ads or money out of your pocket expense. BAM is simply incredible!

This is the part of your funnel that automates the process of being able to provide personalized messaging and/or unique offers to each individual based on what they watched or didn’t watch, clicked on or didn’t click on or what page they landed on within your funnel – using Kartra.

Powerful stuff this Kartra!
In a nutshell it will track the behavior of your site visitor. Did the lead watch a certain video?… an email is sent thanking them for watching, engaging them again.

Did they watch it partway?… Email goes out mentioning the fact that you saw that they didn’t finish the video. Email may contain the video again or whatever you decide. The follow up is tremendous with BAM.

BAM will direct and redirect the lead all through your systems funnel depending on what action they just took leading them to the purchase.

In other words, your funnel can have many separate paths depending on what action your lead just took. It used to be that you just hoped a lead would continue through the funnel but BAM adapts to their action and puts the appropriate process before them.

Clickfunnels Big Earners Moving to Kartra!
This and all the other features of Kartra is why you see a lot of 7 and even 8 figure earners in Clickfunnels from the CF Promoters club moving to Kartra.

These guys test everything and they don’t just move their funnels (which is a big job) unless they see a tremendous benefit for doing so.

It’s taking some time for them to move their funnels over so for now you see them promote Clickfunnels lead capture pages and all but the emails are going out from Kartra! And their order processing and membership sites are often hosted on Kartra.

So between CF and Kartra I am convinced that Kartra has definitely won the ‘better system” award.

This is where it’s all headed folks, sooner or later someone was bound to come up with the total one stop place for absolutely everything needed to put together an online business and they did.

Five out of five stars for Kartra!

Check out the 14 day trial and see for yourself here:

To Your Success!

Jimmy Slattery

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