Dear Farmer Hanna (not to be confused with Applesauce Meg Ryan or Vanilla Yogurt Oprah), Tom Hanks (not to be confused with me) was once in the film titled, "You Got Mail" (not to be confused with the fact that you're going to get some mail from me in the form of a flood of some ink). Please let me know if you ever get it, snail mail is slow, real, but I'd like to know how long it takes for it to get to camp.
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Dear Farmer Hanna
Created - 2010-07-21 - Wednesday - 01:49 PM - 2010 - Year in Review 2 3
Dear Farmer Hanna - 2011-07 - July of 2010 - Month in Review
Published - 2020-03-31 - Tuesday - 12:36 PM LMS
2010-07-21 - Wednesday - 01:49 PM - Dear Farmer Hanna
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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2010-07-21 - Wednesday - 01:49 PM - Dear Farmer Hanna
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.
Flood of Ink
2010-07-21 - Wednesday - 01:49 PM - 01:53 PM - Blogspot Post - The 21st of July of 2010 - Joey Arnold on Facebook - I sent this letter to Hanna in a Private Message (PM) on Facebook with my then Facebook account: I copied and pasted it to Blogspot on Wednesday: This was after she blocked me on Facebook:
Joey Arnold: 2010, July 21 at 1:49pm
Dear Farmer Hanna Van Hemert Galloway (not to be confused with Applesauce Meg Ryan or Vanilla Yogurt Oprah), Tom Hanks (not to be confused with me) was once in the film titled, "You Got Mail" (not to be confused with the fact that you're going to get some mail from me in the form of a flood of some ink). Please let me know if you ever get it, snail mail is slow, real, but I'd like to know how long it takes for it to get to camp.
Book Letters
Hanna, Now you have to forgive me, I'm sending you a book. I don't know if you like reading but I just had to do this. Ok, I'm not really sending you a book but you will have to forgive me for what I'm about to say in it.
Never Saying Goodbye
I never got to say bye. I really don't like saying goodbye to anybody. It's like saying goodbye to your goats. It makes me cry. Do tough guys cry? I don't know but I do. But I don't really know how to say goodbye..
But anyways, I think you should rename those baby goats, continue to work on your music, your so talented, and continue to work on everything, thank you for being so nice to me, and please take care of that camp and farm for me.
Your Songs
I would actually love to see your songs, see more of those pictures on your phone, you know, but you already knew that.
Oprah Vanilla Yogurt
But did you know you were my most favorite person at camp, I was so jealous of you and Oprah and vanilla yogurt, and that smile of yours and those eyes, etc, to be continued, ok, I better stop writing now, not that I want to stop writing, I got more to say but I don't want to keep you busy.
Never Forget
Again, I have to say you were too nice to me. I will never forget you. Thanks again. You don't know how much it all meant to me. Therefore, please keep it up.
Yours truly,
Joey Arnold
Post Log
7/21/2010 01:53:00 PM
2010-07-21 - Wednesday - 01:53 PM - Hanna Letter
I met Hanna at Camp Redwood Glen in June of 2010. This was the only time I have saw her or worked there so far or at least during the 2010's. It's a Salvation Army camp in Scotts Valley, California, USA. I started developing a crush on Hanna and this is not a unique kind of thing for humans to have and experience. I probably shouldn't have written the letters to her in the first place because there was no real reason to. If I wanted to try to date her, then I could have tried that. If not, then these types of letters become possibly counterproductive. I try to write about these types of things sometimes and I have liked different girls in my life. So, a letter like this is an example of being distracted and many things. Yeah, I had good intentions in trying to make and maintain friendships. But you should try your best not to take too many shortcuts in life in trying to perhaps do things too aggressively, excessively, etc. I'm trying to summarize many different things right now and I really don't have time right now to get into how all of this connects to many different things in my life and possibly your life as well.
Honesty vs Relevance
One of the reasons I would talk and write about my crushes would be a desire to be naked, I mean to be transparent, to be completely honest in life, to not lie. I've written about this before and I can say that relevance can be more important than saying everything or in saying too much. Like I said already, I was being a bit too emotional at times. I was also overthinking different things at the same time. I was partly panicking. I was kind of experimenting at times as well. I was kind of daring myself at times. I was in the middle of different decisions as a younger 25 year old man or boy in 2010 and I was wrestling between pursuing different careers in different states and I ultimately ended up moving to Vietnam two years after this in 2012. So, life is a winding road. I was a bit too focused on my own feelings while not really thinking about the well-being of other people. I accused Corey of this during Revolution Hawaii, 2007-2008. I've accused people of different things which I've also been guilty of at times during the course of my life to some extent at least or excessively at other times. So, perhaps, I would get a taste of my own medicine at times. When I look back at my life, I can see and understand the actions I took. I can talk about those actions. I can somewhat rationalize and justify my actions. But that does not mean those actions were the best. Also, it is important to have eternal perspective. It's important to be patient. It's important to take things one step at a time. So, a letter like this is an example of me trying to force a friendship to happen. Not a romance. This was not a love letter and yet it was written like a love letter which confuses people. So, long story short, I would confuse people in the way that I was write and talk. It is true that I liked her but it is not true that I was trying to date her. I was not trying to date her. Therefore, my feelings about her was not relevant. You can compliment people. But don't throw too much at people all at once. But one of my problems was a lack of seeing the future. I had like a Star Wars Anakin Skywalker Darth Vader Syndrome of wanting to save people and predict the future, etc. Well, I was generally feeling that I needed to do many things as soon and as fast as possible as I could die at any second or I would not get the opportunity or would be too busy to do different things. Many different things. This letter here is a symptom of a bigger issue of trying to do too much and too often. I have been a clean freak. I have been a perfectionist. I have tried very hard to do too much in my life and that would lead to just saying random things that were not random to me but were in fact random to other people. So, I would just expose myself. I would share too much with too many in the sense that it was fragmented and I didn't take enough time to explain myself to people and I have more to say about these things. More on some of these things later. To be continued.
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