Technological Abundance!

Technological advancements have allowed us to produce more than ever before and have shown us the problem we're face with isn't one of lack but one of greed, where some people have taken to empower themselves at the expense of everyone else.

My Latest Series

This post is part 1 of a longer post and part of a series of posts listed below but can also be read on its own.

  1. What Truly Matters!
  2. How National Currencies Are Created And Who They Profit
  3. Cryptocurrencies: The Best Investments Of All Time
  4. Understanding Bitcoin
  5. Understanding Bitcoin Cash
  6. How To Buy And Secure Your First Bitcoin
  7. Empower Everyone, Decentralize Everything!
  8. Doing Away With Governments: How And Why
  9. The Only Meaningful Measure Of Success Is Joy
  10. Cryptocurrencies Stats And How To Invest
  11. Steem: Where Money Talks And Kindness Rules!

Why I Do What I Do

I'm steeming because I want to disempower governments so as to empower everyone in a fair manner. I consider Steem in conjunction with other cryptocurrencies to be the best tools for achieving this goal and helping people come together in a meaningful way.

Live Life To The Fullest

Every time I write a post I try to write it as possibly the last thing I ever wrote or say. In some sense writing for Steem is the most meaningful thing I do hands down. There's nothing more meaningful I leave for this world than these words. Everything else I say is mostly forgotten pretty much instantaneously or if remembered and quoted, could deliberately or unintentionally be misquoted.

Even video and voice can easily be faked now to some degree. The 2 examples below are only the first publicly available iteration and will only get better from this point on.

Scarily convincing fake video tool puts words in Obama’s mouth

Researchers have created a new tool that takes audio files, converts them into realistic mouth movements, and then grafts those movements onto existing video. The end-result is a video of someone saying something they didn’t. [Source with video]

This robot speech simulator can imitate anyone's voice

A computer program that promises to be able to mimic any human voice after listening to a minute-long recording has prompted fears about the future of voice as a unique identifier. [Source]

The Realest Me

Somehow, the realest me is the one my Steem words describe.

The realest me wants to help people realize technologies are allowing us to produce more than ever before for ourselves and everyone else and that cryptocurrencies have initiate what is possibly the largest redistribution of power away from centralized unaccountable forms of governance toward more decentralized one.

These decentralized blockchain based technologies called cryptocurrencies are taking away from centralized authorities because good money/cryptocurrencies drives out bad money/national currencies. In other words, bad money tend to lose their value to the better one which is what is currently being observed with cryptocurrencies gaining value over national currencies or vice-versa, national currencies losing value over cryptocurrencies.

This shift in power is being meet with resistance but in the end decentralization and cooperation make more sense than the current violent predatory system of deception we're under, even for the people at the very highest echelons of power, as even these people could enjoy a much safer life if cooperation and honesty were to become the foundations of what link humanity together.

Working Toward A Joyful Rebellion

Cryptocurrencies are facilitating this joyful rebellion we all long for. We can't plant some Bitcoin, Steem or any other cryptocurrency and expect a Bitcoin, Steem or cryptocurrency tree to grow bearing some wealth for everyone but no tree or technology can unite humanity like cryptocurrencies do.

Bitcoin and Steem both enrich our world and don't subtract from one another. In the long run there's absolutely every reasons for Steemian to live and steem only their own most fundamental truth and in the long run there will be no better place for anyone to tell their truth than on Steem or a place based on the same principals where people's truth will be valued by everyone stakes influencing everyone else truth and behaviour.

There's currently a bit less than 258 millions $ worth of Steem, each Steem worth around 1,06$. The total value of all cryptocurrencies is currently less than 154 billions dollars.

If all cryptocurrencies were to be distributed equally to every human then every person would have around 22$ and everyone would be equally rich besides their material wealth. If people would be made aware that national currencies are created out of nothing then nobody in their right mind would consider those centrally issued currencies to be worth anything.

It's not the amount of money in our account that makes us who we are or the world what it is but rather the way we live in spite of how much or how little we have.

8 men Own Same Wealth As Half The World

I want to reiterate, whether or not governments intentionally or unintentionally put us in the situation we're in, where 8 men own more wealth than the poorest half of the world (3.6 billion people), just to mention this part, all of us gain from making the world a better place. [OXFAM]

I've already documented ample evidences that prove governments have deliberately put us in the situation we're in yet whether or not we all come to this conclusion, I think we should all seek to collaborate in this common quest for a brighter future.

Technological Abundance

As I've already said, our problem is not a lack of production per capita as our technologies allow us to produce more than ever before.

Food Production

Most of the work done to plant, harvest and transform the food we eat is done by robots which keep getting better. Here's some of the most mind boggling and deeply satisfying to watch.

Researchers grow crop using only automation [Link]

A farm in the United Kingdom is the first in the world to successfully plant, tend and harvest a crop without a single person ever setting foot in the field, according to researchers and developers involved in the project.


Good housing can now be build for cheaper, easier and faster than ever with local material and almost no specialize knowledge. Some of those houses can passively regulate their temperature, heat and cool, harvest all the water they need as well as produce some food. Here are some of those building technics and technologies that are revolutionizing housing.

Fully 3D Printed Building

  • Contour Crafting (6m)
  • Apis Cor (1m)

Fully Automated Construction

  • Fastbrick Robotics: Hadrian 105 Time Lapse (2m)
  • Fastbrick Robotics: Hadrian 105 First Look Revealed (4m)

Ecoshell One

Super smart and simple construction method.

  • Monolithic Ecoshell Introductory (9m)
  • Modern Day Dream Homes (9m)

Recycled Paper And Plastic House

Concrete Tent

Smart Brick Fully Automated Construction

Earthbag House

300$ houses!

Dome House


Probably the most revolutionary house. The ideas behind Earthship should be taken into account in the construction of all future houses. They harvest and filter all the water they need. They heat themselves passively to some extent and maintain a comfortable temperature even in the blazing heat without air conditioner. They produce some food inside the greenhouse as well as outside the house even in semi desertic region. Are build mostly out of recycled and local materials. Can be build by non-specialized worker.

  • Earthship 101 Part II (5m)
  • Earthship Disaster Relief for the People of Haiti (5m)
  • Construction From Recycled Plastic Bottles (9m)
  • Earthship Virus (6m)
  • Earthships: self-sustaining homes for a post-apocalyptic US? (40m)

Peer-To-Peer Protection System

Peacekeeper is the world’s first decentralized, peer-to-peer protection system. We aim to build a new smartphone app, Peacekeeper 2.0. Become a force for good in your neighborhood.

This app is now defunct. I'm not sure there exist an alternative. There's a lot to be gain from re-building such an app. Integrating such an app with Steem could make such an app even more useful, so that when most people we know are on Steem, we can easily alert some preselected friends with a simple click.

Different buttons for different situations, home invasion, heart attack, fire, etc, all of which could have their different lists of contacts.

The Transportation Revolution

Terrafugia TF-X

  • 4 seat hybrid with wings
  • No need for runway (Vertical take off)
  • Computer controlled flights
  • 200 MPG cruise speed
  • 500 Miles range

Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars will first automate the delivery of goods where only one driver will be necessary to drive many truck following each others in a convoy. Trucks in the convoy might be taken up by other drivers when leaving the highways and arriving in cities. Trucks in those convoy will drive very close to one another saving large amount of fuel. They will also reduce the need for truck drivers a lot. This will have a massive impact on the world we live in. Kits costing a couple thousands of dollar will be added to trucks to make them self-driving trucks. Morgan Stanley estimate that these technologies could same the industry 168 billions a year.

"A staggering 80% of all cargo in America is transported by the trucking industry, four times as much as air (8%), pipeline (6%), rail (4%), and water (2%) combined."

7.1M people are employed by the trucking industry. (6% of the U.S. population) [Source]

Fully Self-Driving Cars

Fully self-driving cars will be even more disruptive and could follow not long after self-driving cars.

"The report, released Thursday by technology think tank RethinkX, claims that there will be a mass shift in ownership 10 years after autonomous vehicles are legalized for widespread public use. After that point, using a ride-hailing service will cost around $3,400 per year, compared to car ownership that will cost around $9,000 per year. A difference of $5,600 annually might be enough to push the idea of car ownership off a cliff for many consumers who grew up using Uber Pool." [Source]

"Insurance companies. The data so far suggests that the introduction of self-driving cars will reduce the number of traffic accidents by upward of 90%. Lots of consequences here, including redefining the whole idea of personal car insurance."

"Automobile repair shops. 90% fewer accidents means a lot less revenue for the 500,000 or so automobile repair shops. It will also give rise to a new industry in repairing automated cars, and specifically the technology that makes them tick." [Source]

  • Self-driving cars not feasible in 5 years, automakers say [Link]
  • Cars that drive themselves while you sleep only two years away, says Elon Musk [Link]
  • Your Next Car May Be a Living Room on Wheels [Link]
  • 5 Ways Self-Driving Cars Will Forever Disrupt the Future of Hospitality [Link]
  • Autonomous Cars Unbundle Real Estate [Link]
  • Self-driving cars could reduce accidents by 90 percent, become greatest health achievement of the century [Link]
  • Making All Cars Driverless Would Reduce Emissions By 90 Percent [Link]
  • Futuristic Simulation Finds Self-Driving ‘TaxiBots’ Will Eliminate 90% of Cars, Open Acres of Public Space [Link]
  • Uber will buy all the self-driving cars that Tesla can build in 2020 [Link]
  • 30 companies are now making self-driving cars [Link]
  • On the road with George Hotz’s $1,000 self-driving car kit [Link]
  • 99 Ways Self-Driving Cars Will Totally Change Everything [Link]
  • Uber should be operating 100 self driving cars by the end of this year [Link]
  • Lyft co-founder says most of its cars will be autonomous in 5 years [Link]
  • Big boost for self-driving cars: Osram cuts lidar cost to less than $50 [Link]
  • A Self-Driving Uber Car Went the Wrong Way On a One-Way Street in Pittsburgh [Link]
  • Trapping a Self-Driving Car is Surprisingly Easy [Link]

The Boring Comapny

The Boring Company is already starting to dig a hole in the parking lot of Musk’s SpaceX/Tesla Los Angeles office, but now we have a much better idea of what the visionary CEO has in mind for the network of tunnels they are starting in the middle of Los Angeles.

City-To-City Travel By Rocket

"Anywhere on Earth in under an hour, for around the same price as an economy airline ticket." - Elon Musk [Source]

Flying Taxi

Flying taxi to make first flight in 2018, says Airbus [Source]

Emerging Decentralized Technologies

I've already listed many technological advancement in a previous post under the subchapter named "Emerging Decentralized Technologies" most of them are fully decentralized while some are only semi decenralized or simply leading to more decentralization, things like 3D printer of metals, graphene, plastics, bio 3D printers, 3D printers online marketplace. services like UBER, Airbnb, Fiverr, and many more awesome technological advancements some of which not a lot of people are aware of.

Greenhouse Gases

We all know the problems linked to greenhouse gases are very difficult to solve yet most people don't realize what it would take. If all the land used for grazing by livestock would be reforested, we would sequester at least 265 tons of carbon which is greater than the 242 ton of carbon we added to the atmosphere since the industrial era began. These are numbers taken directly from the IPCC and basic forestry. According to some computer model within 20 years 80% of this sequestration could happen simply by removing the livestock. [Source] (I verified those numbers myself and did the math a year ago. I haven't verified the 20 years thing but the rest of the numbers where within what I arrived at.)

This would also take care of the second greatest anthropomorphic source of methane. It's also very possibly the greatest source. Methane traps up to 100 times more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide within a 5 year period, and 72 times more within a 20 year period. The good news is that methane also leaves the atmosphere within a decade while carbon dioxide is estimated of the order of 30–95 years. [Wikipedia]

Most of the way livestock is raised today is very wasteful and bad for the environment to an extend most people haven't fully realized. It is also cause for a lot of unncessary suffering.

People would gain from knowing those numbers and that those things can be achieved.

Thailand Seed Bombs: Aerial Reforestation

Thailand Creating Forests by Dropping Millions of Trees Out of Aircraft

"The tree cones are pointed and designed to bury themselves in the ground at the same depth as if they had been planted by hand. They contain fertilizer and a material that soaks up surrounding moisture, watering the roots of the tree. The containers are metal but rot immediately so the tree can put its roots into the soil."

Re-Planting a Forest, One Drone at a Time

"It’s all part of an ambitious plan by BioCarbon Engineering, a U.K.-based startup on a global mission to battle widespread clear-cutting, which strips more than 26 billion trees off the planet each year. CEO Lauren Fletcher, who spent 20 years as an engineer with NASA, says the only way to fight industrial-scale deforestation is with industrial-scale reforestation. Their idea: plant 1 billion trees a year. The first targets are in South Africa and the Amazonian jungles, both of which have suffered from widespread forest eradication."

"BioCarbon Engineering, based in the UK, has developed a system of planting trees with drones, at just a fraction of the cost (15%) of traditional reforestation methods, and at a speed that manual planting can't match." [Link]

Re-greening The Desert

"All the world's problems can be solved in a garden!" - Geoff Lawton

"Nearly 800 million people are chronically undernourished as a direct consequence of land degradation, declining soil, fertility, unsustainable water use, drought and biodiversity loss, requiring long-term solutions to help communities increase resilience to climate change, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared today."

"“Over the next 25 years, land degradation could reduce global food productivity by as much as 12 per cent, leading to a 30 per cent increase in world food prices,” he added." [Source]

  • How does the Groasis waterboxx work against desertification (4m)

I feel important to note that the United Nation are a creation of some Nations and will always be inferior as a mode of governance than what cryptocurrencies provide.

Food Forest

" The forest, compared to conventional forests grow 10 times faster, are 30 times denser, 100 times more biodiverse."

"Forest gardening is a low-maintenance sustainable plant-based food production and agroforestry system based on woodland ecosystems, incorporating fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, vines and perennial vegetables which have yields directly useful to humans. Making use of companion planting, these can be intermixed to grow in a succession of layers, to build a woodland habitat."

"Forest gardening is a prehistoric method of securing food in tropical areas. Forest gardens are probably the world's oldest form of land use and most resilient agroecosystem." [Wikipedia]

The African Great Green Wall

"The Great Green Wall was conceived as a 7,700-kilometer tree belt stretching the length of the Sahara Desert. Around 15% of the Wall has already been planted, largely in Senegal, where four million hectares have reportedly been restored."

"That's what the African Union proposed in 2007, a "Great Green Wall" that was to be the largest living structure on the planet."

"The Great Green Wall Initiative for the Sahara and Sahel Initiative (GGWSSI) has since gained rocket boosters. Today, the Initiative has 21 African countries participating, over $4 billion of pledged funding, and heavyweight partners from the World Bank to the French government."

"The projects has sky-high ambitions; to restore 50 million hectares of land, provide food security for 20 million people, create 350,000 jobs, and sequester 250 million tons of carbon."

"Work is already well underway. The GGWSSI recently claimed that 15% of trees have been planted, largely in Senegal, with four million hectares of land restored." [Source]

Powering The Future

"We see renewables growing by about 1,000 GW (gigawatts) by 2022, which equals about half of the current global capacity in coal power, which took 80 years to build," Birol said in a statement. [Source]

Life Extension Technology

  • Scientists Can Reverse DNA Aging in Mice [Link]
  • Aubrey de Grey Says There's A Chance Of Major Anti Aging Breakthroughs In The Next 6-7 Years [9m]
  • BioViva FIJI - First Clinic to Treat Aging [7m]
  • Did A Biotech CEO Reverse Her Own Aging Process? Probably Not [Link]
  • Will we really live to 1000 years - Aubrey de Grey (12m)

"I have been aware for many years that most people do not think about aging in the same way that they think about cancer, or diabetes, or heart disease. They are strongly in favor of the absolute elimination of such diseases as soon as possible, but the idea of eliminating aging—maintaining truly youthful physical and mental function indefinitely—evokes an avalanche of fears and reservations. Yet, in the sense that matters most, aging is just like smoking: It’s really bad for you." ― Aubrey de Grey

"I think it's reasonable to suppose that one could oscillate between being biologically 20 and biologically 25 indefinitely." ― Aubrey de Grey

Becoming A Multiplanet Species

The plan laid out by SpaceX to establish a colony on Mars is simply mind-blowing.

The update on SpaceX plan can be seen here.

The Boring Colony On Mars


This is part 1 of a larger post. I had to split it in 2 because the post was too large for the current Steem limit. I really tried to trim the post down so it would fit in one post but in the end it made more sense to split it. I'll post the next part in a couple of days. There're almost the same length. This is the error I was getting.

 fc::raw::pack_size(trx) <= (get_dynamic_global_properties().maximum_block_size - 256):

Approving My Witness!

Witness #40

Would you consider voting for my witness to help us Steeming the world we all long for?

Thank you for reading and for commenting! I read all comments and appreciate them all except the spam obviously!

Steem's Growth Is Rocketing!

Good To Know

  • I use Markdown Pad (free version) to create my posts.
  • How to align pictures.

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