They Say it Can't Be Done

In the movie, They Say it Can't Be Done, the plot is the process that several innovators and entrepreneur's are undergoing in attempting to make an extensive impact in the over shadowing and frighting features that are attributing to global warming. After watching this movie, it almost gives you the since of urgency to get up and find the next new and innovative way to help stop the factors of global warming. Although it covers some great ways that people are attempting to save Earth and the creatures that live on it, it also illustrates the importance of another great factor on entrepreneurs and the affects on society. This factor would be the process of regulations. What are regulations and how do they Affect society you may ask. Well, for starters, we should all be grateful for regulations and how they affect society today. We will discuss later the affects of regulations on society. In the movie, the innovators of these four new ways of slowing the affects of global warming all under go some form of regulations. One of the innovations was a new way of producing meat. It uses the process of using cells to grow meat without ever having to kill an animal. As imagined, this form of design and innovation should have limitations and be kept under a close eye. The FDA overseas its operations and advancements and cell cultured meat. The topic of regulations is very interesting. The government has implemented several ways to regulate and limit innovators and entrepreneurs. It is interesting because it raises the question, how do entrepreneurs feel about regulations compared to already established corporations? Regulations can be difficult for innovators. This can limit their abilities and cause huge disruptions on getting products out for consumers to purchase. On the other hand, the movie mentions how larger corporations that obtain a majority of their shared market, can find a positive relationship with regulations. Having strict regulations can make it difficult for new and smaller business and innovators to enter the market. The differences on the power of regulations is what makes it interesting.
So how does regulations affect society when it comes to entrepreneurs. As mentioned before, the process of getting a product to market can be slowed down or even stopped. This can be good and bad for consumers. When it comes to health products, it can be scary but rewarding. Taking a new medication that has not necessarily gone through all of the hoops as a proven medicine or medical practice can be a death wish. But it also could do a lot of good if it helps save a life, even with out going through a long period of testing. This example is shown in the movie when they are talking about transplants and the new way of 3D printing organs. It can be very beneficial to the recipients, but no one knows the long term results and affects from the 3D printed organ. That is why products under go steps and phases and are held under regulation. These regulations are held to keep entrepreneurs and business in check in order to force innovators to create a product or service that is proven and tested. These two differences in regulations can leave a large impact on entrepreneurs and most importantly society.

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