The Founder's, The Determination Behind it All.

Is the Movie Founder the best movie that could highlight the hardships and reality of the in and outs of corporate America, while also showcasing the struggles of being an entrepreneur? If I had to answer this question, I would argue that it is the best example that I have seen for myself. Capturing the struggles of being an entrepreneur is difficult and can often times be hard to understand, even when done so. In this discussion, I am going to discuss how the movie Founder, illustrated one of the most profound characteristics of entrepreneurs, that being determination. The movie is based on one of the most, if not the best, astounding examples of determination from an entrepreneur stand point. The storyline covers how the infamous company and burger joint McDonald's found its start. The company its self started as a small burger joint located in the far south-west corner of the United States, owned and operated by two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald. Along came the the third and largest influencer on the future story line of McDonald's, Ray Croc. Ray was the ideal entrepreneur in terms of determination. He was the best illustration of what all entrepreneurs should be. What is that you may ask? failure. I know that that is not what most would think of being a large influence on who makes it and who does not in the entrepreneurship realm. But the key aspect highlighted in the movie is that failure is only bad when the entrepreneur does not have the determination to continue on. This is what makes determination so interesting. How many people have set out with a great idea and failed? Then to never try again because of the failure and their fear of doing it again. I know that there can be several other worldly influences that can alter a persons idea or dream, but this is what separated Roy from the others around him. Even the original founders did not have the determination and vision that Roy Had, even though they shared the same dream. They were scared to push on due to fear of ruining their business. Fortunately, Ray was determined and had a vision and was willing to do what ever it took to achieve that dream. Believe it or not, being determined does not always mean it will be pretty and perfect. While watching the movie, the viewers will start to feel an unpleasant feeling towards how Roy is treating Dick and Mac when it comes to the business they started. This is however just a "part of doing business" as Roy had told the brothers. This statement is very true although it is harsh. Often times, unless stated in a large lawsuit, society does not get to see the dirty and sometimes unethical sides of entrepreneurship and business. Even though this movie highlights how Roy negatively affected the brothers in the long run with his determination to grow McDonalds into a national corporation, people are still going to go purchase McDonal's products like it never happened. Thats why Roy was so determined to grow this business no matter who he hurt or relationships he destroyed. He did this because he knew that consumers would not necessarily care about how he treated the original owners. They also did not care about the people he hurt along the way and the bridges he would burn. The end goal of entrepreneurship is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how far the light is and the obstacles that will block you from getting there. This is why I believe that determination is the most consistent characteristics in all entrepreneurs who have succeeded and achieved greatness, and why the movie, The Founder, is the best example for determination in entrepreneurship.


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