My Life - 2008

Don't wanna survive. Wanna live. Wanna not sit around in the Matrix, Blade Runner, Star Trek, Dollhouse, Fringe, Terminator, because I would rather breath real fresh air. Plant gardens. Revolution Hawaii was fun. After that, Kuratli. After that, Woof & Dick died. Moved to PDX. Worked at Kuratli washing dishes, assisted at Daniel A. Grout Elementary.

2008-01 - January -

Boot Camp, California

2008-02 - February -

2008-03 - March -

2008-04 - April -

2008-05 - May -

2008-06 - June -

Revolution Hawaii, end
Kuratli, start

2008-07 - July -

Wall-E, film, Mike, Janet
Dark Knight
Benjamin Button

2008-08 - August -

Kuratli, end
RIP Woof
Home, with dad
Church CBCH

2008-09 - September -

2008-10 - October -

Moved to 414, Alder Housing, PDX
Kells Irish Restaurant, dishwasher
Daniel A. Grout Elementary, assistant
RIP Dick

2008-11 - November -


2008-12 - December -


My Life - 2008 -

2017-10-17 Tuesday 06:10 PM OTC Q1 HCM

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