My Life - 2001

Tom Boob Vader. Woof called her the Tom Raider. Tom was chasing Jerry. Tommy Boy. Boys will be boys. Some are chasing breasts like men on Married With Children. Me & Rick saw Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, in July 2001, with Woof, in an Astoria theater, I think. Rick was back from his Oklahoma airplane college. Me & Rick made Gangster Run, a movie about gangster Big Red Dog. I was also making Cat's Life. Me & Bill Bailey found Tiffany Cumbo again.

2001-01 - January -

2001-02 - February -

2001-03 - March -

2001-04 - April -

2001-05 - May -

2001-06 - June -

2001-07 - July -

Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: Astoria, Rick, Woof, me
Camp WCC
Gangster Run: Big Red Dog
Cat's Life
Reunion with Tiffany Cumbo

2001-08 - August -

2001-09 - September -

2001-09-11 - 3 WYC buildings in NYC fell. Tuesday.

2001-10 - October -

2001-11 - November -

2001-12 - December -

My Life - 2001

2017-10-17 Tuesday 1 PM MDNH Q1 HCM

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