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Hello steemians this is my own story for the supernatural writting contest organised by @jerrybanfield......


My name is Ezera Kingsley from Abia state, the eastern part of Nigeria in Africa.
I fell in love with a beautiful and breathtaking damsel, who hail from Aba region of eastern Nigeria and due to the distance with us because i live at Abuja the capital city of Nigeria , which is located at the northern part of the Country, working with a company by name Dantata earn a living, while was at that remote place my heart can't stop racing for her.
Because of the above stated concerns and my readiness to settle down with a wife , I considered her to be the perfect choice. "Best in the world " as I fondly call her, Will you marry me? Trebbling on my kneels as I awaits for reply, her unwaving stare and delayed response sent a cold blow to my ribs but not long after she said yes I will you" my prince" that was the first day i felt like i was in heaven because i could see nothing apart from her bright angelic face and the voice re-echoing the word " i will marry you my prince".

After that, we did our tradotional marriage according to custome of Igbo kingdom (southeast Nigeria),thats involves paying her dowry and taking her home after which we processed for church wedding also known as white wedding because it's a borrowed culture from the whitemen( the missionaries).

On August 20th, 2017. We were joined in a holy matrimony according to the church law in Aba, everything went fine to the glory of God.
I took my wife home back to Abuja, in a twelve hours drive from Aba.

Everything was great until one fateful day, On 18th october 2017, I asked her to get prepared and dressed up that i was going to parade her after my office hours like a golden trophy, I will take her shopping , trust Nigerian ladies, they don't play with words outing and shopping, they take it more serious the live bullet.
Although to me, i feels like seeing her wherever i turn. Office closes by 4:00pm, i called her by 3:30pm to start coming out.

" I never knew that one's death day seems to be his happiest day" So be mindful of such a day.
The exceitment was written all over me, people that are far and near start throwing words like " hey man, you look very happy today",although am always happy man but something seems out of the moon.I could only wave at them and smile. Thirty minutes is like eternity of waiting period, my phone rang and reached for it , peeped through my office widow , there stood " MY BEST IN WORLD", dazzling my eyes with the brightness of the sun, she was so erogenious.
I hooped down and kissed her, took her by the hand and left for the shopping.

I took her to a nearby affordable supermarket by name Exclusive store,wuse 2.Abuja.
We were still looking around for what to pick, when a stray bullet from nowhere hit me and the last thing i heard was her stream and cry, it was on my left leg, shattered my leg into pieces, laying in the pool of my blood unconciously.
Two police men were having a heated argument and one of them according to the report after, accidental pulled the trigger, that's what you get in a country where citizen lives like a refugee in their own country, our police like lack training and discipline.

From there i was rushed to the hospital at maitama Abuja, immediately they took me to the emergency room, where, the doctors have to bandage my leg to cloth the bleeding, the hospital delayed in carrying out surgery that would have saved my leg with excuse that, they don't have a vascular doctor, so I was reffered to National hospital Abuja, the doctor here said an external fixation is needed to carry out on the leg, at that time, I did'nt have an anastatics to carry out the surgery.
So they delayed the surgery for four days, on the fourth day they said that my PCV was low, I was transfussed three pants of blood in three days after which they now did the external fixation but that time before the external fixation,they knew that the leg was dead and there shouldn't be any need for that external fixation
After the unwelcomed surgery, the doctor said that my leg need to be amputated the gangrene has set in.
I wasn't satisfied with their , I seek for a second opinion in another hospital called Cedarcrest hospital Abuja, there the amputation was carried out , above kneel amputation.
National hospital because of incompetence has caused gangrene to set in and I wasn't happy with that development even carrying out a surgery on dead leg, so bad of them, all because of money, extorting money from a poor dying patient.
I went through hell of pains and a long night of agony. My wife wasn't a thing to me, out of pains i found myself shouting on her.
I was really rancou on her.
My friends comes always to cheer me up in the hospital.

One day I looked up and saw her crying, my heart broke and i felt for her, young lady barely two months in marriage, witnessing such a hell and once a two legged husband, I thought of what might be going through her mind , I groaned in my attempt to sit upright, she heard and make her steps towards helping me, looking at her, I was sunk in tears and i said to her, "I LOVE YOU", hiding her face within her palms, she said, its been two weeks i heard that words from you, now i feel alive to hear it, I replied and said, i felt much alive saying it.

I asked her " One legged husband and dead husband which one do you preffer? She smiled and hugged me , whispered to my ears, "one legged husband i choose, she said further, I know your leg is incomplete but you have a complete heart, thats all i need.!
I knelt down and said to God, I ask for a wife you gave me an angel.

That's my near death exprience and am very grateful for the opportunity to share it. Thanks @jerrybanfield. PhotoGrid_1518279046349.jpg

Those are my pictures, when i was in the hospital, with friends, when friends celebrated my birthday in thanksgiving for my life, my wife took out to get me lively and articial legs we are looking for money to buy.