The Most Unique and Beautiful Bridge in the World

Hello friend steemit, Good Night wherever you are

The Most Unique and Beautiful Bridge in the World Not only serves as a crossing bridge, but generally the bridge can also be used to show the existence and symbol of the country, even in European countries the bridge has been designed as beautiful and as unique as possible to attract foreign tourists to visit his country,

1 Gateshead Millenium Bridge


The first most unique bridge in the world is the Gateshead Millenium Bridge, the bridge built by this world-class artsitektur offers a very unique and beautiful design and aristocracy, the main function of this bridge is as a bridge crossing the British tyre sunga made with length 126 meters and width 8 meters. Since opened to the public on 2010 and many tourists who are interested to visit the bridge Gateshead Millenium Bridge

2 Golden Gate

Bridge If you have ever been to San Francisco in America of course you are very familiar with the bridge that was named Golden Gate Bridge, the bridge that opened for this public in 1937 it does offer world-class architectural design, this bridge is a bridge that serves as a bridge across the peninsula san fransisco and the city of san fransisco, while the length of the bridge Golden Gate Bridge reaches 8,921 feet

3 Sydney Harbor

Bridge In Australia, has the most unique bridge in the world called Sydney Harbor Bridge, a bridge that has a length of 3770 feet built specifically to attract foreign tourists to visit Sydney, although had experienced some technical constraints during construction but eventually Sydney Harbor Bridge bridge pamper g was built in 2001 ago

4 The most unique Banpo

Bridge The World's Most Unique Bridge is the banpo bridge, the bridge which officially opened on 9th september 2008 is the only fountain bridge built as a bridge across the river south of south korea , because of the beauty and uniqueness of many tourists who took pictures of selfie on this bridge.

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