Jason Bourne - Movie Review

After watching every single Bourne film in order, it's now time for the newest entry in the Bourne Saga. Some things the film got right. First off, the chase scenes are some of the best in the franchise. Both the motorcycle chase through Athens and the car chase through Las Vegas are both some of the best car chases I've seen in a long time. The last time I saw a chase that good was in last year's Mission Impossible film. Another aspect that sets this apart from the other entries is that now, Jason Bourne has entered the social media age. With all the new jumps in technology, it's getting harder and harder for Jason Bourne to outsmart and evade the CIA. In the first movies, all he has to do is avoid some old school security cameras while the CIA was still using Windows 98'. Now the government can tap into people's cellphones to shut off nearby computers and have multiple teams and assets mobile at once all with various tracking devices. I was geniunely wondering how Jason Bourne could evade all of it. The downside of this film is that the backstory feels like it was just an after thought. Also, there was a mini-portion of this film where I was wondering off thinking about other things and then it hit me, "Oh crap, I'm watching a movie". There is a side-plot about this free internet service that the CIA wants or something? I don't know, it just seemed like something out of Spectre, Kingsman, or even Terminator. Also, Matt Damon doesn't seem like he cares as much. Now, I don't know if that is because he has been away from the role in a long time, if it was a decision from the director because the character has been in hiding, or is it because the screenwriter didn't give him any dialogue? Who knows. He seemed more invested in Supremacy and Ultimatum. Tommy Lee Jones and Alicia Vikander were nice additions to the cast and although I wasn't really digging the whole computer business side plot, Riz Ahmed did a good job in his Steve Jobs type role. Overall, this is a good movie. Not as good as entries 2 or 3 but a fun movie nevertheless.

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