Life In Japan, Random Pictures

I realize I haven't posted much about Japan lately so here are a bunch of pictures I've taken over the past few months.

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This is one of my favorite spots in Shibuya, Nonbei. It's Shibuya's version of Golden Gai in Shinjuku, but without all the tourists. It's tucked away just behind the JR station and if you don't know what you are looking for you will miss it.


This picture was taken up near the love hotel area in Shibuya. There are so many picturesque places around Tokyo, but you have to walk around to find them. I really want to go back to this spot and Nonbei to take more pictures.

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We get really beautiful sunsets where I live. I think it's because we are up against the mountains. The clouds accent the sunsets.


This is a rice field just across the street from where I live. It was one of the pictures I posted on Steemit back in 2017. I love seeing the rice grow every year when I walk to the train station. Funny thing is I have never seen the farmer. At dusk when the train runs by it's very Ghibli-esque.


This was a very cool post box at the station in Fukuoka. Who wouldn't want to send a letter or small package from it?

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There is a small mountain behind where we live. It has hiking trails and parks and is a wonderful place to get lost in every now and then.

Besides my family, the thing I miss most about Japan is the food! My wife and I often sneak out and go to dinner or for a drink and a snack. This photo below is an amazing, simple desert at an old coffee house in Hachioji. Honey French toast topped with bananas, whipped cream and chocolate sauce. It costs $5 and is enough for 2 people.


Then there is the local izakaya. This one is in Shibuya and the food is amazing!


They have a bit of funky decor too, but not too much.


One of my favorite new spots is called Yaki Niku King. It's a Tabehodai/Nomihodai, all you can eat/drink. For $28 you get 90 minutes to gorge and it's so fucking worth it! The cheese fondue on the kalbi was amazing.

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Then there's the weird food that is never ending. Take for instance these takoyaki flavored Pringles. Pretty much tasted exactly like takoyaki so I gave them to the kids.

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Japan is definitely peaking when it comes to craft beer, micro brews. This is my local watering hole called Shared Brewery. The Master brews some incredible beers. If you are ever in Western Tokyo look them up!


Uber Eats is huge right now, or at least it was. They were offering free delivery for a few months. Even now the delivery charge is pretty low so my wife often encourages me to order dinner so she doesn't have to cook.


The Gatcha machines are amazing. You can always find the most random, weird shit in them. I'm very concerned about the person who would want a porta potty or rumba for their collection though. LOL, it seems the men's is the traditional hole in the floor while the ladies have the western toilet.


Japan is a wonderful country. It's still the city of the future I dreamt of in the 80's and 90's before I moved there.

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Thanks for reading, stay safe.

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