Japan Is Closing The Borders Again And That's Good!

Hear me out. So there is a "new & improved" strain of COVID out. Not deadlier, but more infectious. Word has it that it's coming from the UK, probably spawned in Scottish Haggis or some other dreadful UK cuisine, but I digress.


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This new strain landed in Japan yesterday, or a few days earlier, via someone from the UK. Combine that with Tokyo hitting 994 positive tests and Japanese politicians are shitting the bed. So, the only natural response is to close down inbound travel from abroad.

Why do I support this? Because despite the world going mad and destroying people's livelihoods, Japan is open for business. Pretty much everything is open. We go out to eat a few times a week with no problems. I don't want the politicians here to have a reason to change that by this new virus spreading. Personally, if you look through my posts, I don't even believe COVID is bad and can be stopped easily with the right diet, zinc, vit. D & ionophores mixed with lots of green tea(polyphenols) and exercise. So not giving politicians a reason to "reset" a society based on a virus that has killed very few people in Japan is a good thing. So are borders, but that's another topic.

Enjoy your holidays and we'll let ya'll back into Japan sometime next year.

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