Tenda Biru [Indonesian Reggae]

Good night, best friend of reggae music lovers. This time I returned to offering old songs that were once very popular in Indonesia. I am happy to find this song in a reggae music package.

This song tells the story of a woman who was married by her lover. She accidentally passed her lover's house and saw a wedding party in progress.

The marriage just happened when she was still the man's lover.

But just forget the story in the lyrics of the song that makes us sad, the important thing is the beat of the reggae music that makes our hearts happy.

Enjoy reggae friends wherever you are.

Tak sengaja lewat depan rumahmu
'Ku melihat ada tenda biru
Dihiasi indahnya janur kuning
Hati bertanya, "Pernikahan siapa?"
Tak percaya tapi ini terjadi
Kau bersanding duduk di pelaminan
Air mata jatuh tak tertahankan
Kau khianati cinta suci ini

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