RE: 2010, September


2010-09-25 - Saturday - 06:03 PM - Photos of Monica Kyle marrying Brandon Kyle

2010-09-22 - Wednesday 61644_766544386856_7340901_n.jpg
2010-09-22 - Wednesday - Monica Kyle - Brandon Kyle

New Youth Directors

When Blake Webb died in May of 2010, Moore Street was left without a youth pastor until Brandon & Monica Kyle came to fill in that row.

Bell Ringing

I believe that they were already married by the time they arrived to Moore Street, meaning they may have came in September or at least before I started bell ringing after Thanksgiving in November as they were around for that.


I'm writing this down partly because I'm trying to remember what I was doing in 2010, especially as Facebook unfairly and illegally terminated my accounts, etc, over the years, meaning I've lost my timeline, I've lost track of my biography of where I was and what I did. So, I'm trying to rebuild that which I have lost.

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