
They conflate different corona viruses together as the tests can't tell them apart and it is much worse than just that. Tests are contaminated with Covid-19. They inflate the deaths and add as many deaths and pretend they are Novel Corona 2019 deaths, even if you die of a heart attack or a bullet. I was on a farm with no Internet for 2 weeks. Contact Tracing is designed to control your life.

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2020-07-12 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-07-12 - Sunday
Published in July of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-07-12 00:41:10.png
Fuller House Max and his GF

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Up around 08:00 AM and back to sleep around that time and a few times before that and totally up around 09:00 AM. Life cereal with like skim milk. Interesting Gumby character. Scary cat sock puppet like toy thing. Guest speaker in the morning. She sat where I would sit. So, I sat over where I sat. Naked drinks. Yogurt. Where is your hat? You lost your hat. Oh, in my backpack haha. Talk about masks during Sunday School. Good to be a teacher.

Around 01:00 PM to like 04:00 PM, was cutting the soggy grass and I had to go pretty slow. Was watching the dishes around 06:00 PM, like after my nap. After that, was publshing my daily blog posts for the past 17 days going back to Friday the 26th of June of 2020 to Saturday the 11th of July of 2020, that is yesterday. I was off working where we had no Internet the past 16 days and this is day 17 and I am online now. Fixed my laptop power cord problem. It sometimes would get no power, so I bended it and used rubber bands to get it in the right position to enable the flow of electricity.

09:32 PM - It took me three hours, that is since like 06:00 PM, plus one post from like 04:00 PM, about 17 posts if you include the monthly bonus blog post for June of 2020 on top of the daily posts to catch up to the current day. I am now working on the photo albums that I publish as well right now that I generally do each Monday.

Drinking some tea for my allergies and I may have ran into some dust. I am drinking a licorice flavor.

Who's Right?

10:19 PM - Hive

It is always better to build up than it is to tear down.

Understanding Socialism

10:22 PM - HIve

You are describing socialism but by another name. Obama preached the same message or redistribution of wealth that you talk about. Obama preached Robinhoodism.

Understanding Science

10:25 PM - Hive

There is a limit in this type of dating method which means it cannot really tell you the age of really old stuff assuming the rate of decay that carbon has, based on the assumption of the rate of decay, depending on how constant or not constant the decay may be at any given time and it becomes very tough scientifically when you are not there to observe it. That is why observational science is not historical science.

General Shepherd

11:24 PM - The Alex Jones Show Sun 07/12/20 Full Show 720p

The Alex Jones Show

11:37 PM - Alex Jones: Kanye West Is A Hero For Exposing The Mark Of The Beast

Covid Test Fraud

They conflate different corona viruses together as the tests can't tell them apart and it is much worse than just that. Tests are contaminated with Covid-19. They inflate the deaths and add as many deaths and pretend they are Novel Corona 2019 deaths, even if you die of a heart attack or a bullet.


They say you have to wear masks in in Michigan and in some states in America. In Washington State, same thing, but many people walk around without masks still.


General Shepherd

11:24 PM - The Alex Jones Show Sun 07/12/20 Full Show 720p

The Alex Jones Show

11:37 PM - Alex Jones: Kanye West Is A Hero For Exposing The Mark Of The Beast

Tree House or Club House

11:19 PM - Facebook

Tobi Matthews, are you still in the club house group? I was not on Facebook for 2 weeks and I am back now and I cannot find it.


11:21 PM - Facebook

Are the tests contaminated?

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