
Covid is the New Y2K but twenty years later. A bear trap is on our leg. Can you guess who put that trap on our leg? Remember the Star Wars Fish, "It's a trap." If Doctor Hitler gave us vaccines, we would have said, "Thank you Daddy Hitler." Globalists believe you are stupid. For too long, they trick you into believing they don't exist. They try hard to keep you from fighting your overlords. They trick you into fighting your neighbors but thou shalt love thy neighbor. They're murdering hundreds of people daily in America. You are a MURDERER for NOT STOPPING THEM. You just sit there. You could tell somebody about this. Pass on the information or do something.

United Nations Tyranny

All over the radio, television, media, Internet, etc, is Jesus United Nations (UN) that is being spread as our saviors and everything. The U.N. says the lock-down will never end. They are trying to see how much they can get away with. They want you to boil in the burning pot like dumb gay frogs. People around the world are wearing their Sharia Covid Masks. We are now all Muslims.

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2020-05-26 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-05-26 - Tuesday | Published in May of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-05-26 21:56:46.png
This is from a failed X-Men television series from 1996, Generation X

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Published in May of 2020 | Categories | Communities | Directory | English | Health | Highlights | History | Timeline

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Hive vs Facebook

01:30 AM - Minds

If you're looking for a social network that has no censorship like Facebook, etc, has, I would suggest Hive.blog. There are other social networks too. I post my autobiography on Hive, etc. You can post anything. No censorship. It's good to have backups. You can advertise there. Outside of Hive, there is also Gab.com and Minds.com. And the list continues. But Hive is currently my favorite. I'm still on Facebook sometimes because billions of people are on Facebook and only like a million or less people are on Hive. Gab probably has some millions of people. I try to be on as many websites, social networks, etc, as I can because it's a good way to meet new people and it's safer to have copies of your work, etc, on different platforms, etc, just in case. Better safe than sorry.


2020-05-26 - Tuesday - 03:29 AM - 04:11 AM - Vikings 503

Floki in America? Does the cute girl want to be king with beard man? Boneless frees a slave woman and has fun in a battle and then says we should beware of trying to negotiate peace with Saxons. The king guy gets punched in the nose and he says to his feast buddies, "I have no luck with women."

Iva told his brothers he told him so and stood up even as he is a cripple to be the main leader as they were not able to get peace. He told them not to try and he was right. Thank you, allfather. They side with Iva.

2020-05-26 - Tuesday - 04:13 AM - 04:58 AM - Vikings 504

They talk about trying to regain York from the Vikings. They had bear traps and rabbit traps back then? Where is Africa? Another world. Interesting island. Consequences for the death of Ragnar. The seer says. Brothers vs brothers. Nothing is as it seems. Floki prays that he can return to the world of men to encourage them to go with him to Greenland, Iceland, Canada, or wherever he was. A wedding. Dipping rings in blood. Married under giant rib bones of like dinosaurs or elephants.

05:00 AM - 12:15 PM - Sleep. Breakfast: yogurt kefir. Coffee. Banana. 12:15 PM - 01:13 PM - Chores. Dishes. Compost. Cleaning the recycling bin. 01:13 PM - 01:49 PM - Trying to cut down a tree. I was being levelled but was told I was not. But I was.

No Bullshit

02:08 PM - Jimmy Fallon is Over Party Trends 🤣 As Actor Gets Cancelled - They see something he did on SNL in like the year 2000 and they don't like it and want his show to end because he did transracial black face or whatever

Red Guy

02:15 PM - Alex Jones Show - Full Show - Tuesday May 26, 2020

A bear trap is on our leg. Can you guess who put that trap on our leg? Remember the Star Wars Fish, "It's a trap." If Doctor Hitler gave us vaccines, we would have said, "Thank you Daddy Hitler." Globalists believe you are stupid. For too long, they trick you into believing they don't exist. They try hard to keep you from fighting your overlords. They trick you into fighting your neighbors but thou shalt love thy neighbor.

Small vs Big Government

02:20 PM - Hive Blog

Yeah, many small kingdoms and I prefer that. I love that. Cities should have more power over themselves. It can be tough now as we have large countries that could eat up and conquer small village nations. I am saying if there were small city countries or small kingdoms today, bigger countries might try to control them and take over. I promote smaller government. But too small could be a problem because if my government is too small, then another government could maybe come in and take over my smaller government city or country or whatever.


03:00 PM - We got some mail today, some boxes, packages. Mom got this 1987 copy of the original 1833 original Webster Bible.

United Nations Tyranny

All over the radio, television, media, Internet, etc, is Jesus United Nations (UN) that is being spread as our saviors and everything. The U.N. says the lock-down will never end. They are trying to see how much they can get away with. They want you to boil in the burning pot like dumb gay frogs.

1990's Home Videos Outline Post

You cannot even say pandemic just like you could not say dead fish in Vietnam in 2016 or 2017. You try to upload videos on social networks. This is Communist Chinese Tyranny in the United States in 2020.

It Face Scans Me Faster

People around the world are wearing their Sharia Covid Masks. We are now all Muslims.

There is no pandemic. If you're not at home. If you do not stay at home. If you're out in the sun, then you will be getting Vitamin C & D. If you have enough zinc. If you're taking care of yourself, then you are fine.

Max Keiser

03:51 PM - All fiat money is debt money. You can trace the history of some of the fiat money record back at least to the 1700's to see patterns and some interesting things. Think about money laundering. Think about how rules and laws are not enforced. Look at how some corporations keep 97 cents of every dollar they may steal, generally speaking or in some cases and in some ways or a lot more than you know. Wall Street want the money and the power. Trump needs to lock criminals up right now or yesterday and much more. We must do much more or else.

Casino Gulag

Facebook leverages exchanges, even just a small amounts of money, like a single dollar, and they can use it as a leverage to make or get hundreds of thousands of dollars or more for years to come in their scheme.

Bank Work


05:00 PM - BBQ Chicken & potato salad on the back patio for a few minutes.

Bitcoin Debate

07:20 PM - I'm watching Max Keiser debate with Alex Jones on Bitcoin. On the screen, they show a chart of BTC USD which is not the original Bitcoin, BTC. The crew behind the scenes should be told that that BTC-USD is not BTC. I listen to Max talk Alex. I feel that Alex still does not know enough about cryptocurrencies and that is too bad. Alex said it is like gambling and that is true. Therefore, why not invest a little in different things? The truth is that there are different cryptocurrencies that are pretty good and thousands in total. Some may be fake, some may not very well and some may work better. Alex wonders why BTC works and everything else does not. Incorrect question as some cryptos may work. It is not just about one alt coin but about competing coins.

The Alex Jones Show

07:29 PM - Full War Room Show 5/26/20

All over America, people are going to lakes, rivers, beaches. They are tired of the new world order's lock-down.

Antifa is protesting Antifa?

Yes, these Antifa Gangs are fighting the people who are protesting against the lock-down enforced by fascist governments around the world.


A Karen sees a black guy while see is walking her dog at a park. She calls the cops and yells that he is threatening her while she abuses her dog. Her dog is struggling as she almost strangles the dog. You can see the video. They are both Karens.



2020-05-26 - Tuesday - 03:29 AM - 04:11 AM - Vikings 503
2020-05-26 - Tuesday - 04:13 AM - 04:58 AM - Vikings 504

No Bullshit

02:08 PM - Jimmy Fallon is Over Party Trends 🤣 As Actor Gets Cancelled

Red Guy

02:15 PM - Alex Jones Show - Full Show - Tuesday May 26, 2020

The Alex Jones Show

07:29 PM - Full War Room Show 5/26/20

Random Notes

BBQ Day. Larry. Randy. Kelly. Mar. Cliff. Santa. Oatie. Chicken BBQ off the grill. Back patio. I had potato salad on toast around 09:00 PM or before that after I had chicken. Orange juice today. Habits can be hard to break. Gradual to leave the cloud. Be gradual. If you wanna. Back to 1 PM or so. We were trying to cut down a dead tree in the front yard with a long saw, a rope, an ax. I was told I was not going level and I was trying to go level and we will probably go back to this later. He decided to stop for now. The tools are probably not sharp or strong enough. I am often shown how to do things I know how to do. I also choose to do things my way and it would appear to some people that I don't know how to do things because I do things in new ways. I try to be innovative and creative and many different things. This would be an example of how I do things. But some people do things only by the book. But who wrote those books would be people like me. I don't go around telling people I know how to do things because I don't know but if you left me alone, I would get the job done and I would find new ways and better ways of getting jobs done. But some people choose to do things the old way or what might be safer. But life cannot be safe as seen with the lockdown. I do things and I try new things and some things fail and you live and you learn. Some things may not be the best idea and I admit that but I am willing to fail in order to discover innovation as an artist, writer, etc. Like Michael Jordan says, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. That's motivation. I don't know many things and I admit it but I am willing to do things and try new things. The dead tree is also not that big and I could easily do it all by myself. Many times it is said to be a two-man job and yet a person like me can move the picnic table for example. I have done that. I prefer to do things by myself because it is better that way in many cases. I can do things better by myself. Unless if I was the boss, then I would not mind delegating depending on the size of the job, the project, of whatever it might be as it depends. It all depends and smaller projects could be done by individuals in some cases to the extent a single person can handle it for the great good and in the long-term of things. In other words, it depends. Very complex but if we assume too much, then we run into problems. Please try not to micro manage too much. Be open minded. I am not saying that I know everything or that I can do everything. But I believe in trying. I try to have an open mind. To be continued. I was writing this until 02:06 PM. Shared it on Discord, Minds, Gab.

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