
Trump is betraying us as Trump lets lockdown murder millions of people.

Copyright Your Face

Can Suzy Lu copyright her face? I say, if you can copyright the face of Darth Vader, a fake character, then why not be able to copyright a real face too? I am against enforcing copyright, etc, as enforcing copyright means increased tyranny. I am against the DMCA and others. Because it turns them into authoritarians. Copyright is silly. The sky is the limit regarding the potential of what could be copyrighted, patented, etc. That leads to a violation of Fair Use, of the first amendment, of the ability to have your own stuff. A person can unfairly use a copyright to steal from another and stop another person by stopping people's original work by pretending as if a person's original work is actually their work. What came first, the chicken or the egg question. Sometimes, a person can come up with a work and that person may copyright it or something. But the copyright may stop a person who did not actually violate the copyright of that person. That is the cleaver thing about copyright. It is deceptive like the Patriot Act. It looks good on the outside and yet it can be used like a gun to kill good and bad people. It is dangerous. Copyright can be good when enforced perfectly and yet bad too as people are bad. When government is bad, then the enforcement of copyright can be bad and government has been bad.

Young Dad
Bruised Brother


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2020-05-21 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-05-21 - Thursday | Published in May of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-05-20 20:38:58.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Published in May of 2020 | Categories | Communities | Directory | English | Health | Highlights | History | Timeline

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.


2020-05-21 - Thursday - 04:08 AM - 05:05 AM - Vikings 417

I will kill Scarlett Johansson with that knife lol. Vikings vs the Saxons. Ancient wedding. Ring. Exchanging blood. Afterwards, two other sons run a race, an obstacle course instead of trying to catch the flowers to get the good luck of being next to marry. They dodge swords and jump up and down and turn and everything. Human sacrifice which continues to 2020. Comet or astroid in the sky.

05:05 AM - 11:30 AM - Sleep.
11:30 AM - 11:52 AM - Chores. Vacuum sweep. Less dirt than yesterday. I wonder how a vacuum cleaner might be fixed. I was thinking step one, identify the problems, step 2, idenitify the solutions, step three, identify a route towards the solutions, step four, make sure you can do step three, and step five, then simply do step three.

Foxi News

11:57 AM - DAVID KNIGHT Real News Info Wars: (Full Show) Thursday - 5/21/20 || The David Knight Show

Trump is betraying us as Trump lets lockdown murder millions of people.

Joy Villa

11:59 AM - My Kitten Stella Got hurt...;(

Some people have to get shots twice a month to keep their eye or eyes? I don't believe it. Well, I mean, there has to be a better solution than that.

Hoeg Law

12:02 PM - Legal Myth Busting: No One (inc. Suzy Lu) Can Copyright Their Face (VL231)

Can Suzy Lu copyright her face? I say, if you can copyright the face of Darth Vader, a fake character, then why not be able to copyright a real face too? I am against enforcing copyright, etc, as enforcing copyright means increased tyranny. I am against the DMCA and others. Because it turns them into authoritarians. Copyright is silly. The sky is the limit regarding the potential of what could be copyrighted, patented, etc. That leads to a violation of Fair Use, of the first amendment, of the ability to have your own stuff. A person can unfairly use a copyright to steal from another and stop another person by stopping people's original work by pretending as if a person's original work is actually their work. What came first, the chicken or the egg question. Sometimes, a person can come up with a work and that person may copyright it or something. But the copyright may stop a person who did not actually violate the copyright of that person. That is the cleaver thing about copyright. It is deceptive like the Patriot Act. It looks good on the outside and yet it can be used like a gun to kill good and bad people. It is dangerous. Copyright can be good when enforced perfectly and yet bad too as people are bad. When government is bad, then the enforcement of copyright can be bad and government has been bad.

Joe Rogan

12:21 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1478 - Joel Salatin

Joel Salatin is an American farmer, lecturer, and author whose books include Folks, This Ain’t Normal, You Can Farm and Salad Bar Beef. His latest book, co-authored with Dr. Sina McCullough, Beyond Labels: A Doctor and a Farmer Conquer Food Confusion One Bite at a Time is available for preorder now.

Specific terms for cows, beefs, steer, bulls, contrast with religious terms, differences between specific and general terms.

In the super farms or other places in America, they slaughter thousands of like cows, pigs, etc, and they were not shutdown even as thousands of people stand shoulder to shoulder all the time in 2020 even. Smaller farms and other places can have 20 people or less and yet government can try to shut them down. The hypocrisy in attacking the mom and pop stores while letting Walmart and other big places roam wild is crazy indeed.

Zoom Video Conferences, brought to you by Communist China.

A test might show that your secondary line of defense of your immune system fought off Covid. Now, that may not be the whole story. But with that said, a test might not tell you if your first line of defense defeated the Corona Virus. Many people are fighting it and they are winning. People should fight it and fight many things. We should not stay at home. We should not wear masks. We can do better than that.

Privacy Violation

12:42 PM - Hive

Do you like it when the CIA spies on you?

I cannot write about my life? I cannot show people my life? I could write a book about these questions. There is an intersection between the life of one person and other people, an overlap, and it can become impossible to not talk about yourself without talking about other people and other things because there is overlap. You could try. But the harder you try, the more vague and general you become and that creates bigger problems down the road. This is a complex situation with many things to consider. People lie and say that privacy matters. Now, it can matter and yet they weaponize these words to trick you into being slaves. So, it is possible that you were brainwashed and many people are tricked and deceived into turning into fake people. I talk about my life. And that means talking about things connected to me. But it is not just about me at the same. I can write books about what I am trying to say. It is a complex thing as it has to do with different things. So, sadly, you conflate several different issues all at the same time. There is the issue of me and the issue of other people and more. I am trying to tell you many different things at the same time. You come to me to talk about one thing while ignoring ten other things.

Ubuntu vs Windows vs Apple

12:52 PM - Hive

Many people use Windows and Apple operating systems (OS) and Ubuntu has OS as well and is free. So, there are free OS. Ubuntu has less viruses, bugs, etc. Ubuntu is a fork of Linux and Unix.

Gradual Progress

12:56 PM - Hive

Rome was not built in a day. So, the ability to organize comes gradually. Finding other websites comes gradually too. So, don't try to change your life all at once. You are organized in that you have a website. So, you can do some things. So, you simply have to make small changes in your life once a week, step by step. Slow and steady wins the race.

Joe Rogan

Some meat do drugs. Smaller farms, less so.

01:15 PM - 01:52 PM - Dishes. Mail. Seven big trees in the backyard.

What are you doing right now?

Writings. Watching videos. Researching. Family albums. Work. Chores.

Can you be my friend?

Send me a friend request. Add me.](https://www.facebook.com/JoeyArnoldVN/posts/2656478774633863)

Decentralization and Integration

He said something very interesting on Joe Rogan today, as follows.

On Borrowed Land

A woman in Alberta living in on like the 5th floor of an apartment building wanted to farming but had no land. She ended up asking her friend who had a back yard if she could setup a garden, like just ten feet by ten feet or just a little section of the land. The friend said yes. The neighbor saw it and wanted her to build one in her yard too. 18 months later, she had 18 gardens at 18 different houses. I think about 18. She would ride from house to house on a bicycle and had her tools with her on the side of her bike. Her business was named On Borrowed Land.

Joe Rogan

03:15 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #692 - Jay Leno

My Father at the Age of Maybe Ten

04:14 PM - Hive Post

1960 maybe - dad born in 1950 - 01.png

My dad, Donald Melvin Rasp, was born in 1950 to Peter Rasp Jr and Mary Margaret Hocking. Peter was born in Amsterdam. My dad was born in Los Angeles. My dad was adopted probably before 1953. He was like one or two years old when he was adopted and it was before his dad died in 1953. My dad grew up in Oregon. I'm guessing that my dad must be five to ten years old in this photo, possibly for first grade or maybe sixth grade at the latest. My dad went on to attend the Crater Lake High School.

The White House

04:41 PM - President Trump Delivers Remarks at Ford Rawsonville Components Plant

General Shepherd

04:52 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Thursday - 5/21/20

My Mom in 1976

05:50 PM - Hive Post

1976-03 - Marilyn Morehead, Kathy Klaus - 01.jpg

Kathy Claus, My Mom (Marilyn Mitchell)

This is my Mom with Kathy Klaus in 1976. My mom was born on the third of July of 1951, a year after my Dad was born. My Mom was born in Seattle. My Dad was born in Los Angeles. As seen in my Autobiography, I grew up in-between those two points, in Forest Grove.

Bruised Brother

06:58 PM - Hive Post

1987 maybe - Katie, Rick, Dad 01.jpg

Here is a photo of my Dad in pinkish red with my brother, Rick Arnold, who was born on the 5th of February of 1982. This might be 1987. Ricky might be about five in this photo. Katie is behind him. There appears to be like a bruise on the right side of his face. Richard Schuylar is wearing a Michael Jackson shirt. This was back in our Homeschooling Days.


07:35 PM - President Trump Participates in a Listening Session with African-American Leaders in MI 5/21/20

A dam broke in like Minnesota like yesterday. Trump talked about army core engineers or whoever are there to help out. Did I say Minnesota? Maybe it was a dam in Michigan that broke. Maybe an old dam.

The Rubin Report

09:10 PM - Opinion of Trump, Lockdowns, & Exposing How Dems Abused FISA | Rand Paul | POLITICS | Rubin Report

The Rubin Report

09:49 PM - Racism, Asian Stereotypes, and Being a Young Conservative | Lauren Chen | YOUTUBERS | Rubin Report

General Shepherd

10:00 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Thu 05/21/20 Full Show 720p

Blue Pilled People Video

By Awaken With JP

Blue Shirt Joey

10:43 PM - Hive Post

2000's Joey Blue Shirt Messy Hair 02.png

This photo was taken in 2002 during for my junior year in High School. This was one of my favorite shirts. I kind of thought it was cool. I was trying my best to smile in a cool way as I was Cool Kid. Elder gave me that nickname around like 1999 at the park. Hey kid. Oh cool. We were playing basketball when he dubbed me the Cool Kid. During high school, I had other nicknames too like Ghetto Joe. In this photo, I had some hair gel in my hair. I was trying to look cool. This blue Nike sports shirt was partly see-through and pretty tight. I generally would prefer baggier clothes. This would have been an exception to that rule. My junior year was from 2002-2003.

What are you during lockdown?

What lockdown? are you going to let people tell you what to do? If you read my blog, you would know about a book called 1984. My life is not different now than how it was and you would know that if you knew how to read my diary on my website where I write many paragraphs each day. Some states have lockdown and some states do not have lockdown.

Do you have Google Hangout?

My Hangout is joeyarnold7@gmail.com


I tend to hate milk chocolate and prefer 80% cacao chocolate. Well, it is less sweet and it can be more bitter... it is not like coffee but it is in the sense that it can be stronger and healthier. It feels better. Kind of like medicine.


Oh, you are a cancer and you do not have cancer? I had to read that twice, I almost had a heart attack.


Past few days, some people message me on Facebook and some of it might be scams. One in particular has to do with buying an Ebay gift card where you put money on it or pay and then send them info and then wait for them to send you money but they do not.

She wrote:

Actually the company make use of gift cards a lot so your duty is to purchase the gift card at Walmart or any store around you and supply them to her. If you purchase a steam gift card or Ebay gift card of $50, you gonna get payment of $600 within 5/10 minute and I got a lot of proof. But the people I introduced yesterday,some are thanking me and showing me some proof



2020-05-21 - Thursday - 04:08 AM - 05:05 AM - Vikings 417

Foxi News

11:57 AM - DAVID KNIGHT Real News Info Wars: (Full Show) Thursday - 5/21/20 || The David Knight Show

Joy Villa

11:59 AM - My Kitten Stella Got hurt...;(

Hoeg Law

12:02 PM - Legal Myth Busting: No One (inc. Suzy Lu) Can Copyright Their Face (VL231)

Joe Rogan

12:21 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1478 - Joel Salatin

Joe Rogan

03:15 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #692 - Jay Leno

The White House

04:41 PM - President Trump Delivers Remarks at Ford Rawsonville Components Plant

The General Shepherd

04:46 PM - Alex Jones Dies Of Covid-19

General Shepherd

04:52 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Thursday - 5/21/20


07:35 PM - President Trump Participates in a Listening Session with African-American Leaders in MI 5/21/20

The Rubin Report

09:10 PM - Opinion of Trump, Lockdowns, & Exposing How Dems Abused FISA | Rand Paul | POLITICS | Rubin Report

The Rubin Report

09:49 PM - Racism, Asian Stereotypes, and Being a Young Conservative | Lauren Chen | YOUTUBERS | Rubin Report

The White House

09:57 PM - First Lady Melania Trump's Message for Students

General Shepherd

10:00 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Thu 05/21/20 Full Show 720p

Random Notes

Dinner: chicken. 2 bananas. Organic peanut butter on 3 slices of toast.

I like your understanding of traditional values. People should be taught these objective values more at home. But media pushes us away from that. There are generalities that influences many people. That is good in that it avoids some dangers. Ultimately, freewill is part of the meaning of life. It would be worse if you're parents were not trying. Being ready for marriage is a gradual process. I will always be your friend. I like that word, damsel. You are a smart cookie. That is mostly a cultural thing. But I mean, it is worse than that. Too many men are either jerks or they are soy boys. But there are gentlemen out there. I have no plans yet. You need a firm adult. And that is the important thing, on the inside. That is called peace.

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