
Lockdown Forever. Covid is the biggest hoax out there outside of the hoax of evolution among possibly a few other things. Globalists are taking over the Wall-E fat people. You are so fat or are you? Well, the fate of humanity rests in your hands. Good luck.

Never Ending Lockdown

United Nations (UN) says lockdown will never end and that every death will always be counted as a Covid Death. Even if you are eaten by a shark. Even if a car runs you over. The car did not kill you, the 2019 Novel Corona Virus killed you. Covid even murdered Jeffrey Epstein who did not kill himself.

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2020-05-14 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-05-14 - Thursday

Screenshot at 2020-05-13 15:52:37.png

Check out That Star Wars Girl on YouTube

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in May of 2020 | Autobiography

Contact Me

Coin Tree | Facebook | Gab | Minds | Hive | Twitter | YouTube | And More
See More


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Star Wars Theory

12:59 AM - Dave Filoni Just Changed The Prequels For Me - WATCH THIS

Another side of Vietnam

01:12 AM - Facebook Group - Another side of Vietnam

Oatmeal Joey Arnold Joeyarnoldvn Group: Another side of Vietnam - asov - asovn


I changed the URL from https://facebook.com/axHCM to https://facebook.com/anothersideofvietnam

Another side of Vietnam

I was banned from ASOV. So, I made my own.

7,884 Members

The Last Dance

2020-05-14 - Thursday - 03:48 AM - 04:40 AM - The Last Dance 106

People may want to be Michael Jordan but may not want to put in the work required.


Jordan Rules book

Bad Boys Pistons were tough.

Nicks became like Pistons in the early 1990's/

After that, it was the Jazz.

Gambling or competition problem?

Getting sick of the fake news reporters.

2020-05-14 - Thursday - 04:42 AM - 05:30 AM - The Last Dance 107

Back stabbers

MJ was the bad guy in that he was pushing his teammates towards their very best.

Sleep. Dream about going back to Kuratli and/or something where I had to prove myself but perhaps to new people and it mirrored The Last Dance like as if I was Michael Jordan and/or like athletes or students or something. I was waiting in a lunch line inside a place maybe.

11:20 AM - Pewdiepie Livestream EPIC
11:23 AM - RSBN - 🔴 Live: President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks in Allentown, PA - But people forced to wear masks?

Virus in America in 2019, not 2020.

@jerryljohnson1963 geoengineering

Stefan Molyneux

11:25 AM - General Flynn - Heads Should Roll! Lawyer Robert Barnes and Stefan Molyneux

Joe Rogan

12:06 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick

People live with certain viruses they catch as kids and have all their lives and they show no symptoms or so it appears to an extent. But that does not mean you cannot kill those viruses completely or to an extent from your body. But you would need to focus and dedicate yourself to fasting, to flushing out your system, etc, to get on top of all of it.


12:30 PM - 04:08 PM - Lawn art project. Loosen up brown spots to plant new grass seeds. Are the seeds blue? Get out the moss. Make the the yard look like a golf field, perfectly green. I mow the lawn. Weed around the fence behind the book shed. Trimming branches near my room and along the house and was cutting up sticker bushes and weeds along the house and around there to keep an eye on the ants who come into the house sometimes.



Joe Rogan

04:08 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a Ph.D in biomedical science and expert on nutritional health. Her podcasts and other videos can be found at FoundMyFitness.com

But she might not be emphasizing on natural remedies enough.

YouTube did not show me videos on different channels, feeds, pages, etc.

Banned Video

04:29 PM - Emergency Press Conference Live! UN Says Covid-19 Lockdown Will Never End... - FULL SHOW 5/14/20

Trump from yesterday. What he said.

Buried a fish. Trimming off flowers around the raspberries.

United Nations (UN) says lockdown will never end and that every death will always be counted as a Covid Death. Even if you are eaten by a shark. Even if a car runs you over. The car did not kill you, the 2019 Novel Corona Virus killed you. COvid even murdered Jeffrey Epstein who did not kill himself.

Some of these vaccines gets your body to eat ovaries and testicles, that is if you don't have enough zinc in your diet, in your body.

Big Pharma was buying up media and then radio silence the past few years.

Many people are waking up to how bad the tyrants are and that is good.

Did youtube become them tube?

Did YouTube, just try other websites to confirm.

Did YouTube ban you too?

YouTube Down

05:21 PM - YouTube down for like a few hours today until about 05:21 PM.


A talk show host in Texas lies about Alex Jones and he got vaccinated and then his arms and legs were numbed for a year or longer and yet he continued to mock Alex and Infowars even as what happened to him proved that Alex was right.

Essential Vitamin

Every essential vitamin means that you die without them.


05:30 PM - 08:00 PM

More spaghetti

Banned Video

08:00 PM - Emergency Press Conference Live! UN Says Covid-19 Lockdown Will Never End... - FULL SHOW 5/14/20

Cops separating families. What can we do about police who are following illegal laws? Can we educate people?


08:00 PM - 11:36 PM - Worked on My Contact Me Page

My Contact Me Page

11:36 PM - My Contact Me Page

My current top ten social networks or places you can contact me by [excluding email, phone, snail mail, etc] countdown from least favorite to most favorite as follows

My current top ten social networks or places you can contact me at [excluding email, phone, snail mail, etc] countdown from least favorite to most favorite as follows

Contact Me

Art | Audio | Banned | Blockchain | Blog | Coin Tree | Directory | Facebook | Forum | Gab | Game | GIFs | Group | Hive | Minds | Meme | Photo | Server | Twitter | Video | YouTube | Click Here to See More

Top Ten Places

Ten places where you can find me at as follows

10. Facebook Groups, Pages, Profiles, Accounts, etc

09 - Twitter

08 - YouTube Channels

07 - Cbox Message Board

06 - Discord - My Discord Server

05 - Minds Blog

04 - Telegram Chat

03 - Steemit Blog

02 - Gab Blog

01 - Hive Blog

This list was last updated on Thursday, the 14th of May of 2020. My previous list was published earlier in March of 2020. I'll try my best to keep this list up-to-date annually. In this post, I've included links to where you might find me at on social ghetto networks like Facebook, blockchain networks, websites, etc, online, on the Internet, on the world wide web, and yet this may not necessarily by an exhaustive listing or directory of all of the places you may be able to find me at.

Exhaustive Listing of where you might find me at online - Listed in Alphabetical Order - That is a Longer Version of This Post - A Master Directory

The top ten list above serves as a reminder of what might be the top ten places to find me at, to contact me at, or to simply see what I might be up to. But outside of that, you can always Google my name as well, if you want or if you need to. You can search on Google, Bing, Yippy, Duck Duck Go, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo, etc, etc, and on other search engines. For example, you could search the following

"Oatmeal Joey Arnold Joeyarnoldvn"

Contact Me

Coin Tree | Facebook | Gab | Minds | Hive | Twitter | YouTube | And More
See More


You can email me at joeyarnoldvn@pm.me


Currently unavailable

Snail Mail

Currently unavailable


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Before Christ | 0000's | 1000's | 2000's | After That

Contact Me Page

Created - 2020-05-14 - Thursday - 08:00 PM - Contact | Published - 2020-05-14 - Thursday - 11:36 PM

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6:54 PM PST 185100.jpg

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in May of 2020 | Autobiography

Oatmeal Directory

Main lists & categories


List of Places where you might find my Art, Cartoons, Comic Strips, Memes, GIFs, etc


List of Places where you might find some of My Audio Files, Podcasts, Songs, Music, Soundtracks, Shows, Sound Bites, etc, etc


List of Places where I've been Banned, Terminated, Deleted, Disabled, Removed, Erased, Kicked Off, Censored, Shadow Banned, etc, etc


List of my Blockchain Blogs, Pages, etc


List of My Blogs, Journals, Diaries, Timelines, Biographies, etc


Contact Directory - An Exhaustive Listing of where you might find me at online - Listed in Alphabetical Order - That is a Longer Version of This Post - A Master Directory


List of My Forums, Message Boards, etc


List of Gaming Places where you might find me playing Video Games, Chess, Board Games, Brain Games, Strategy Games, Role-Playing Games (RPGs), Risk, Apples to Apples, War Craft, Star Craft, Mario, Basketball, Sports, Racing, Fighting, Shooting, 2-D Games, etc, etc


A GIF is like a five second video but with no sound


List of some of My Groups, Communities, etc


List of Places where you might find some of My Memes


List of where you can find some of My Photo Albums, Images, Pictures, etc


List of My Servers, Chat Rooms, etc


List of My Video Channels

Other Places

Honorable Mentions: A few more places you might find me at as follows


Bitchute is a video website alternative to YouTube

Linked In

Linkedin is a hub for employers and employees

Link Tree

Link Tree includes a list of places where you can find me at


Reverbnation is an audio upload site

Banned Video

Videos you may not see on YouTube thanks to Communist China

And More

See the Oatmeal Directory above for more links and different websites, places, etc, where you might find me at. This is an incomplete list of some of the places where you might find me at. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. I was born in 1985 in Oregon, USA. I went to teach English in Vietnam in 2012. I attended the Word of Life Bible Institute in New York. Thank you for reading.

Contact Me Page

Version 2018-03-11
Version 2018-12-27
Version 2020-03-23
Version 2020-05-14

Hanoi Saigon Vietnam original green "Oatmeal Joey Arnold" joeyarnold joeyarnold4 joeyarnold7 joeyarnoldvn shelton was usa oregon WA washington america vietnam ojawall l4oj wolbi fghs lms english teacher morehead rasp pdx fgor97116 fgor163 my blog joseph scott donald marilyn mitchell cool kid FG OR USA

My Life in Vietnam

Cbox - Message Board

Discord - My Discord Server

Facebook Groups, Pages, Accounts, etc

Gab Blog

Hive Blog

Minds Blog

Steemit Blog

Telegram Chat


YouTube Channels, Videos


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