
World War Four. A global problem means a global solution. Corona Virus, Brought to You by Open Borders Hahahaaaa. We were warning you back in January 2020 and in some cases, before that as well. What we said would happen is happening and will continue to happen. What are you going to do about it? Will you tell other people about it? Will you spread the word before it is too late?

The 2019 Novel Corona Virus is a complex situation. It was man-made to an extent. It is deadly and contagious. But you can fight it without the help of globalists who create problems in order to then come in to save us. All it costs us for their remedy is our freedom. Just give it up and go back into your prison as slaves, if you want. They want you to feel hopeless so that you will bow to tyranny. They want you to give up.

If Palpatine was a clone, then does that mean clones can handle the force? If so, then why were the clone troopers not force sensitive? With COVID, there are many different levels to it, different types, very deep. They don't want you to plan ahead, to have a food pantry, to save water just in case you are stuck in your house for a month. It is an economic war. It is a panic. People are getting sick. They try to get Trump to say it is a hoax so that they can they say it is real. The list goes on and on and on. it is many different things at the same time.

Born Angels or Demons?
Square One Television Taught Me Math

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2020-03-01 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-01 - Sunday


By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in March of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Reviewing Saturday

Reviewing February of 2020

Geeks + Gamers

01:16 AM - Lucasfilm Actually Pulled The Palpatine Was A Clone Retcon

If Palpatine was a clone, then does that mean clones can handle the force? If so, then why were the clone troopers not force sensitive?


2020-03-01 - Sunday - 02:05 AM - 02:54 AM - Outlander 307

Claire tried to save a man who tried to rape and murder her. She drilled into his head to drain out the blood clot and he still ended up dying.

House fire. People stand, stare, and do nothing.

I didn't know lies had shades

Fire fighters


Prager U

08:14 AM - The Candace Owens Show: Charles Blain

Protesting Trump

08:29 AM - Steemit

When you say capitalism, do you mean cronyism, corporatism, fascism, etc, etc, etc, many different things mixed into one, as opposed to pure free markets which does not exist completely? I like free markets but we do not have 100% free markets. Hitler took the guns. Stalin took the guns. Mao took the guns. Dick Cheney was trying to take the guns. Are you a fan of democracy? I encourage people to protest Trump and to tell Trump to do what we want Trump to do. I can talk all day about things that I want Trump to do. I can probably tell you ten different things that I want Trump to do. For example, Trump sometimes tries to get federal government to do things, to spend money. I would be telling Trump that we want government to shrink. Especially as the 2019 Novel Corona Virus is spreading. We want to drain the swamp.

Following on Steem

08:33 AM - Steemit

Click on follow. And then click on the Steemit icon to find the home feed. You might have to click on it twice to find the people you follow, that feed. It is similar to how Facebook, Twitter, etc, works.

Steem vs Bitcoin

08:35 AM - Steemit

But would Steem be the biggest social networking blockchain assuming that Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc, are not social networks in the same way that Steemit might be?

"metadata kept in cache"

I didn't go to Sunday School. For the morning service, we had a speaker from I think South Africa. He had an accent. He talked about the holy spirit. He gave a great analogy concerning houses. If you go to somebody's house, they might tell you to make yourself at home. They might say that their house is your house but may not mean it. They may not let you burn the house down. They may not let you sleep in the master bedroom. There may be limits as you might be the guest. Likewise, the holy ghost may be a guest in our heart. Potluck. Soup. Bread. Cookies. Kids mentioned that they watch Pew Die Pie and YouTube and people playing video games like Minescraft. I was reading The Killing of Uncle Sam. Not novel. Not a murder mystery. To steal from Geeks + Gamers Jeremy, not a movie but a trilogy. It is a history book. Oh, boring maybe. Speaking of master. Calculus. How do I spell. High school. Working on computers. Phones.

Stefan Molyneux

01:52 PM - Coronavirus Updates: Death Rate! Styx and Stef

Added a new shelf to my room for my computers, VCRs, near my monitor, from the garden shed. Spent like four hours working on that, cleaning my room. Found my book, in the dust of a rabbi. I'm still working on computers. Dishes. Toast, butter, peanut butter. Whole milk. Vitamins. Water. Put away the plants back into the green house just like yesterday.


07:30 PM - Thomas Sowell discusses his newest book, Intellectuals and Race

Tron Lino Dlive

08:31 PM - Steemit

Did Tron buy Dlive from Lino or did Tron buy Lino?

1981 book on Corona Virus 2020

08:35 PM - Steemit

The authors probably heard about it from somewhere as some people were trying to make something happen, or the globalists did it in Wuhan because of the book as a way to rub it in our noses, in our face, or possibly accidentally. But most likely a combination of the first two.

I Hate Trump Lovers

08:44 PM - Steemit

People need to protest Trump big time. I voted Trump but I still believe in holding his feet to the fire at the same time. I believe in both, in supporting Trump and in criticizing him simultaneously. I was retweating and sharing leftist tweets and whoever else who were attacking Trump. I defend Trump sometimes but not on this thing. I hate Trump Lovers more than leftists.


08:48 PM - Steemit

If FEMA is bad and if Trump was praising FEMA, etc, which I think Trump was a bit a few times during the floods, natural disasters, fire, then people must protest Trump on that, even if Trump was lied to, even if people told Trump good things about FEMA, etc, etc. People need to wake up and stop being so brain dead. Yes, Trump did some good things to help America. But it aint good enough. Sadly, we don't have enough time to go this slowly. Trump is going too slow. Way too slow.

Fighting Corona

08:55 PM - Steemit

I am a bit curious, why would they be giving us good information that would educate and help people? How do they benefit from not lying like they usually do? Did they have a change of heart or a change of wallet lol?

Warning From January 2020

09:11 PM - Facebook

We were warning you back in January 2020 and in some cases, before that as well. What we said would happen is happening and will continue to happen. What are you going to do about it? Will you tell other people about it? Will you spread the word before it is too late?

Complex Corona Virus

09:29 PM - Steemit

A global problem means a global solution. The 2019 Chinese Wuhan Novel Corona Virus (COVID19) is a complex situation. It was man-made to an extent. It is deadly and contagious. But you can fight it without the help of globalists who create problems in order to then come in to save us. All it costs us for their remedy is our freedom. Just give it up and go back into your prison as slaves, if you want. They want you to feel hopeless so that you will bow to tyranny. They want you to give up.

Alex Jones Show

09:57 PM

They're using COVID as a way to bring down national governments, especially America.

China locked up buildings.

You can hear millions of Chinese wailing.

They are crying.

It is Hell on earth.

They are murdering millions of people right in front of us. It is a trap.


The situation is complex.

It is many different things at the same time, simultaneously.

Aspects of it is fake and other parts of it is very real.

It is not one thing or another thing.

It is many things.

So many things.

So many different things.

Many different viruses are out there.

COVID is killing 1% or more of some healthy people in the world.

COVID is killing at least 10% of older people it seems, so far.

They use COVID to establish the United Nations and/or other things as the global government.

Think 4D chess.

Globalists want to initiate world war four.

We are living in the fourth world war.

Globalists want marshall law.

So, they try to say Trump will do it.

Because they want to do it.

But really, they are scared of exective command by Trump.

Do you want them to take out Trump and finalize global authoritarianism or would you rather Trump do his job to stop many bad things?

Response to Mike Bloomberg

10:11 PM - Twitter - Nike's Video

Mike Bloomberg @mikebloomberg, if we can overcome together, then why are you asking us to surrender to CDC, to globalism, to the United Nations, etc?

They held back the test kits for the virus.

Many kits are not working.

They are using it to bring Trump down as the impeachment did not work.

It is very political.

The virus mutates a lot.

They try to spring many different traps on Trump and on people, one after another. If we do this or if we do that, then they spring this trap or that trap.

Be mindful of the different traps.

With COVID, there are many different levels to it, different types, very deep. They don't want you to plan ahead, to have a food pantry, to save water just in case you are stuck in your house for a month. It is an economic war. It is a panic. People are getting sick. They try to get Trump to say it is a hoax so that they can they say it is real. The list goes on and on and on. it is many different things at the same time.

Custom URLs

10:33 PM - Steemit

Screenshot at 2020-03-01 22:16:59.png

Can Steemit Communities have custom URLS, that is web addresses like Facebook Groups have?

Frankenstein Virus

10:58 PM - Minds

I mean that the viruses came from the wild but were concentrated, put in test labs, was sliced up, and turned into like a Frankenstein Virus that is constantly mutating. Some people get the virus multiple times as it mutates that fast. Which means you must flush it out of your body as it is very hard for your body to fight. So, filter your water and oxygen. Isolate yourself this entire year of 2020. Have your food. You may have the virus and not know it. You may get it. You may spread it to somebody. It takes about a month for you to know whether or not you have it or not. Once you know you have it, then you will like be hit like a ton of bricks. But Google natural remedies. Spread the word. Do everything you can each day before it is too late. Expect the worse. Accept the best. Stay ahead of big problems by admitting to how bad it can be. Do all you can. Smile. Sunshine. Vitamins C, D, etc. Sleep more. Exercise a little. Spread the word. We can help each other without the need of government. And please drink more water. Please fast more. More garlic please.

Corona Virus, Brought to You by Open Borders Hahahaaaa

Born Angels

11:07 PM - Steemit

Are people born evil or born good? In the study of psychology, specifically, and within the greater scope of anthropology, they debate nature vs nurture.

So, what do you think?

Screenshot at 2020-02-29 03:21:53.png

Cat Photos

11:12 PM - Steemit

I would name your cat chocolate spaghetti hehe. She is cute.

Are the Goldbergs Better Than That 70's Show?

11:20 PM - Steemit

Better yet, will or has the 90's got their own show? Is The Goldbergs a good representation of the 1980's? I like the show.


My favorite part is the character Rowan played because Rowan was the star of one of my favorite shows, Girl Meets World.

Goldbergs Rowan.jpeg

Square One Television Taught Me Math

11:59 PM - Steemit

In the early 90's, I would watch this show on PBS around like 04:30 PM weekdays. Square One Television aired on TV from January of 1987 to November of 1992.


After that, reruns ran until October 1994. I was born in 1985 and was quite young when I watched this show. I probably watched this show off and on during the early 1990's, probably dozens of episodes. But I probably didn't always watch entire episodes.

Square One Screenshot at 2020-03-01 23:56:22.png

Square One Television

Power Rangers

Ironically, in 1993, I started watching Power Rangers as that show took off and it too was on like 04:30 PM, like the same time for a while I believe. But I was learning math on Square One. Well, maybe not a lot of math but it still helped. I really loved the Mathnet segments which was a parody of Dragnet. They did have one particular episode which was like a murder mystery where they were like stuck at a big mansion. It was like Clue, I think, well unless if I'm thinking of some other show.

Anton Spivack

Square One TV—101

Math Magic

In another segment, there was like a guy who would do magic tricks with math and stuff. And I clearly remember him telling you to do a big math problem. He would tell us what to do. In the end, he somehow showed us how the formula he gave us revealed like our age or the year we were born in. That blew my mind away as a boy.

What would blow you away?


Geeks + Gamers

01:16 AM - Lucasfilm Actually Pulled The Palpatine Was A Clone Retcon

Red Letter Media

01:56 AM - Half in the Bag Episode 96: Everest


2020-03-01 - Sunday - 02:05 AM - 02:54 AM - Outlander 307

Prager U

08:14 AM - The Candace Owens Show: Charles Blain

Lisa Haven

08:17 AM - What This Coronavirus Patient Speaks Out About Is Not At All What You’ve Been Told…

Lionel Nation

09:06 AM - Live Stream: Who Speaks for Us? Who Speaks for the Patriot?

Stefan Molyneux

01:52 PM - Coronavirus Updates: Death Rate! Styx and Stef

Millie Weaver

03:13 PM - EXCLUSIVE: O'Keefe Gives Big Tech Notice


07:30 PM - Thomas Sowell discusses his newest book, Intellectuals and Race

Millie Weaver

08:28 PM - Loomer 2020 Leads The Way For Conservative Women


09:03 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Sunday - 3/1/20

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