
Facebook reads your private messages. Helicopters are safer than cars. Did you know that Obama had a grandmother? Bill Gates Saves Us From Evil Sun. What did Bill say in April of 2019? In January of 2020, I was watching through all the current episodes of The Expanse and caught up with Rick & Morty (season 4). Today, Bible Study. 1 Thessalonians. I ate soup on potatoes. Eyes in the sky. Moved. Rain. Studying the death of Kobe Bryant. I've been learning about the Coronavirus. I'm preparing to write a post about that. I've also been working on a map of the Internet. I talk to my friends on Free Square about the 4th amendment. I'm on Twitter trying to tell people to check out Doom Cock who was mentioned by Harrison Smith today. I'm on Telegram talking to people about money. I'm on Discord with Flag Dude 08 talking about Bit Torrent. Running nose. Sneezing. Barn. Truck. Walmart. Wrap.

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2020-01-29 - Wednesday

My Day in Review

Oatmeal Kobe 2020-01-28 - Tuesday - 12:28 PM - Rob Roy Free Squares IWA JSA.jpeg

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

Fox Hole Meme.jpeg
2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 02:39 PM - Fox Hole Joey I'm Here - by Rob Roy.jpeg
2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 01:10 PM - Foxhole Joey - by Meme Art - at Free Square.png


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Overlord DVD

11:15 PM - Cultural Vandalism | The Ruin of Star Wars and Doctor Who

Eating Lemons

12:23 AM - Steemit

I enjoy eating lemons and limes like I eat oranges. What about you?

Oatmeal Kobe 2020-01-28 - Tuesday - Rob Roy Free Squares IWA JSA MILITARY GETS 01.jpeg


12:26 AM - Steemit

Greece has deserts? I did not know that. Very mysterious. I thought Greece was too north to have deserts.

Oatmeal Kobe 2020-01-28 - Tuesday - Rob Roy Free Squares IWA JSA MILITARY GETS 02.jpeg

Brain Phones

12:55 AM - Steemit

Elon Musks wants people to get brain phones.


12:57 AM - FULL SPEECH: President Donald Trump at MASSIVE Rally in Wildwood, NJ

Realizing Advantages

01:12 AM - Steemit

The Internet is a virtual library. So, you can explain it that way to a person from the 1800's.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

01:25 AM - Steemit

I'm a big fan of the show. I've only seen a few seconds of the movie. I should give it a try. I watched all seven seasons of the show. Oh, didn't realize Ben Affleck was in the film. Well, LOTR books and films were both pretty good, right?

Rick & Morty

2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 01:26 AM - 01:52 AM - Rick & Morty 401

Rick gets a crystal that can see the future.

Morty sees possible futures for his life which involved dying old with Jessica in some of them.

Morty becomes blinded by that which causes Rick to die.

Rick has clone backups like the Star Wars Emperor did in a comic, the Dark Horse, but in different parallel universes.

In one, Rick comes back as a shrimp.

But a Nazi Shrimp universe.

So, they murder him.

So, then he spawns again in another clone.

Again and again like Tomorrow Never Dies starring Tom Cruise.

Or Ground Hog Day.

Morty overhears Jessica telling her friend that she wants to work in hospitals where she says I love you followed by the name of whoever is dying again and again. Morty saw his future and thought they married each other but what he saw was really himself as a lonely dying old man who she was simply comforting as he was dying.

2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 01:52 AM - 02:16 AM - Rick & Morty 402


Love Finder App

Star Wars Reference

Paywall made earthlings cancel the app instead of trying to pay for it.

2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 02:17 AM - 02:39 AM - Rick & Morty 403

Oceans 12 Parody

Elon Tusk

Double Crossing

Tripple Crossing

Netflix Pitch

2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 02:39 AM - 03:12 AM - Rick & Morty 404


A slut dragon fucks an elephant


Only that one dragon did.

Talking Cat

2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 03:13 AM - 03:36 AM - Rick & Morty 405

Snake Terminator Parody

Back to the Future

Hitler Snake

Lincoln Snake


Invalid Cookies

10:59 AM - INFOWARS BROADCASTS OF 1/29/20 With Impeachment News and on the Ground reports in breaks

Facebook reads your private messages.

Hanoi has the Coronavirus says Jorge Peralta.

This Bill Gates virus is in America and so many countries aound the world.

It has been killing people.

Bill Gates patented the Coronavirus around 2 years ago, like in 2018.

The Coronavirus may peak in America in the summer of 2020. Buy canned foods, dried foods, etc, while you still can.

12 Monkeys


Remedy to Instant Gratification

11:21 AM - Steemit

The remedy to instant gratification may involve an emphasis on long-term contentment, traditional values, joy over circumstances, hope over dope, eternal principles.

They are hiding the genetic code of the virus. Trump should be trying to get it from research labs from around the world.

Being Anonymous

11:46 AM - Free Square

Meme Art may someday find out that he or she can't be anonymous as they already know who Meme Art is, possibly. It can be, in some cases, better to not be anonymous as we are not anonymous already to the people that can ruin our lives. There are people that want to help us but can't if we are anonymous. Bad people can know who you are. When you are anonymous, that can be good assuming that even the bad people don't know who you are. Good in theory. The problem is that in the real world, the people that should not know who Meme Art is do or can. The people that can help Meme Art will probably be unable to help or will have added difficulty helping because of the delusion for being anonymous when none exist. You have the freedom to be anonymous. That does not mean you should in the face of not being anonymous enough in the face of people who can find you and kill you. It is better to have as much protection as possible. If you got enough people already to help you, then that is good. Ultimately, of course it is your call to make. But it depends on so many different variables. I am not telling you what to do. But I am saying it is something that is very hard to figure out. It is very complex. But the problem is that a lot people don't think about how complex all of this is. I want the 4th amendment back. I want privacy to return. But they stole it from us. That makes anonymity difficult.

@Rob_Roy, I agree. That is why he should not pretend to be if he is not. That is what I said.

Gold Standard

U.S. went off the gold standard in 1933 and the gold prohibition continued on for 41 years to 1974. Kobe died at the age of 41.

Mart. Milk. Eggs. Boxes. Sacks. Walmart. Wrist brace. Lady. Help. Need? I'm ok. Cucumber. Need anything. No. I'm good. Closed check out. Go over here. Hello. It is you. Walk back. Truck. Parking. Wrap around. Rain. Carried stuff in. He left. I moved the eyes. 395 pics. Now. Book shed. Not secured. But there. Copy to my laptop and main pc. Dishes. Doctor shows. Emergence show. Talk about transporters. It would be easier to bend space and time via wormholes and star gates and The Expanse ring then it would be to break people apart into molecules or smaller and then reassemble them later as all the parts of the body is moving very fast.


Soup and corn bread on potatoes.

Bit Torrent

03:39 PM - Discord

Flag Dude is right. How many years has Oatmeal talked about Bit Torrent? For many years, I've been saying it. Go look it up.

Gold Standard

03:42 PM - Telegram

U.S. stopped making gold coins in 1933. Now, many years, later, the U.S. may have made a few new gold coins but not too many.

Lord Bill Gates

03:46 PM - Steemit

Exactly. Bill Gates has the patent to the Coronavirus. I ask the question to encourage people to think about it because some people worship Bill Gates. It is hard for them to hear this.

Thumbnail Making

04:52 PM - Steemit

Ctrl + Print is what I do to screenshot fullscreen videos into pictures and used those as thumbnails. It only take half a second or faster to do. This works on Ubuntu. It may not work by default on Microsoft and Apple operating systems.

Bible study. Marriage. Read through first Thesalonnians. Cookies.

Did you know that Obama had a grandmother?


07:18 PM - Recapping Yesterday's "Debate" | May Debate Another Bernie Supporter | Birds of Prey & Comic Talk


I create definitions.

Limit Government

People are bad. People do bad. But we can choose to do good sometimes.

@Ryan Rogers I am educated and tribal.

I like Tribalism.

Can tribalism limit Open Borders?

Would forcing people to pay motivate people to excel?

Monopoly = M4A

Bernie Sanders People believe in collectivism, in sharing, etc.

AOC people can believe in the theory of communism. They can believe it is not force and/or that the ends justifies the means.

Communism is mostly a cover story, a con artist.

Communism is manipulated by authoritarian tyranny.

Communism is not communism.

Local communities, the 10th amendment.

Framing is irrelevant.

Framing has no meaning.

Framing is like a mirror.

@Smart Broly like a Sith or Jedi.

@Stephen Lflf do you like freewill?

I am scared about the USMCA.

Amendments have been changed, bit by bit.

The system, how it works, has been changed at times throughout the last 200 years.

We started letting women vote. That is a change in the system.

We freed the slaves. That was a change in the system.

We started the IRS in 1913. That is a change in the system.

We banned gold in 1933. That was a change in the system.

We started CPS. That was a change in the system.

Batwoman is silly but cute.

@AndresK should we force tax payers to pay for abortions?

@AndresK, will government grow as it tries to throw them all in jail?

@Critical Thinker11 I'm against abortion but should we really go after people who have abortions?

@AndresK but should gov try to help all of the time or only under request?

@AndresK should gov treat us as babies or as adults?

@AndresK, I want to save babies too.

@AndresK but should it be an individual choice or a federal choice?

Birds of Prey might be better than Picard lol.

Joker was good. 😀

@AndresK, are you pro-welfare?

@AndresK do you want to increase or decrease federal government involvement in our personal lives?

I like Rick & Morty

@AndresK, we can begin by reducing abortion funding via tax payers.

I watch shows on the Internet for free.

I watched Mandalorian for free via websites.

If ya got the money to have Hulu, Disney Plus, Amazon, Netflix, CBS Picard, etc, go for it. I don't.

Reviews don't have to be immediate.

@YoungRippa59 I agree that YouTube Studio and everything sucks now.

@YoungRippa59 same thing with the New Twitter.

I played basketball with some people in Vietnam.


08:23 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Wed 01/29/20 Full Show 720p

Bill Gates Saves Us From Evil Sun

Money Talk

08:56 PM - Facebook

U.S. greenbacks were issued from 1862-1971. There appears to be a 1961 Act that requires fiat dollars issued prior to July 1, 1929, to be destroyed. Therefore, bills prior to 1972 and especially 1930 have more value as they are more rare. Coins are even more valuable, generally.

A Demand Note is a type of United States paper money that was issued between August 1861 and April 1862 during the American Civil War in denominations of 5, 10, and 20 US$. Demand Notes were the first issue of paper money by the United States that achieved wide circulation and they are still in circulation today, though they are now extremely rare.

A dollar became a federalized and then globalized version of a local bank note. The dollar is now an I Owe You note but they used to issue treasury notes until like 1913. I say, bring back the local bank notes and down with the world banks.

Like with Rome, copper pennies became zinc pennies.

Copyright Talk

09:36 PM - Twitter

Depends on the country and the type of copyright... so, some copyrights may last the lifetime of the authors plus some years. Some may be around 70 years or more. But some may be renewed again and again. For example, look at what Disney does.

@doomcock was mentioned by @OffLimitsNews today on the war room show. Great video by the DVD Overlord personifying what's happening.

@doomcock was mentioned by @OffLimitsNews Harrison Smith today on the war room show. Great video by the DVD Overlord personifying what's happening.

Time Travel DARPA

10:26 PM - Steemit

Did it say something about DARPA and time travel? Is that kind of info leaked to the general public?


12:57 AM - FULL SPEECH: President Donald Trump at MASSIVE Rally in Wildwood, NJ

Rick & Morty

2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 01:26 AM - 01:52 AM - Rick & Morty 401
2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 01:52 AM - 02:16 AM - Rick & Morty 402
2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 02:17 AM - 02:39 AM - Rick & Morty 403
2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 02:39 AM - 03:12 AM - Rick & Morty 404
2020-01-29 - Wednesday - 03:13 AM - 03:36 AM - Rick & Morty 405

Invalid Cookies

10:59 AM - INFOWARS BROADCASTS OF 1/29/20 With Impeachment News and on the Ground reports in breaks


07:18 PM - Recapping Yesterday's "Debate" | May Debate Another Bernie Supporter | Birds of Prey & Comic Talk

Fox News

08:13 PM - Kushner calls impeachment 'waste of time, distraction' from Trump accomplishments

Fox News

08:19 PM - Gutfeld on Trump's achievements vs. impeachment


08:23 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Wed 01/29/20 Full Show 720p

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

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I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

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Corona recreated in a lab. Days into the outbreak..

Wow... Crazy the recent news about bioweapons.

China being locked in! Countries lock the border to China.

Obama's Lies Documented. What was in the Tesla files stolen by the FBI upon his death? What did Trump's Uncle know?

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