
Barbie Anna Attacked me on Facebook. Bought a $130 TV / speakers. Tom Sawyer. Tim the Tool Man Home Improvement Taylor. Larry the Cable Guy. 5 glasses or cups or shots of Brandy. Like drowning. Cleaning. Vacuuming at Tom's house. Talked about Star Wars. Ray Donovan 603. How are you supposed to reach NEW people if you're not on Facebook? Naomi Bramwell: Exclusive Walkthrough of New ShapeShift, with CEO Erik Voorhees. What is @Bingozee trying to say? Bingozee said: "The only sin, is that which is offence unto life and the living." Specifically, which sins, according to @Bingoze, is NOT an offence or offense until life and the living as he puts it? Which sins would NOT be an offense to or unto life? The answer is none would be. They're all an offense. Mark Dice: Plot Twist - Some think global warming will destroy the world thanks to the super Terminator Matrix Globalism computers that are being developed. They also say that people can't save money thanks to climate change and stuff. America is Ephraim: I'm always trying not to make too many promises about the future, including prophesy, but at the same time, I enjoy the ability to compare and contrast things to some extent as that can be educational, encouraging, insightful, revealing, therapeutic, regardless. Plutocrats vs Globalists: How do you distinguish between plutocrats and globalists? I'm seeing many similarities between the two. Specifically, plutocracy is an aspect of globalism or that of the bigger problems that the world faces. When you say plutocrats, does that mean technocrats, corporate overlords? The Donald On Reddit: Alex Jones Lied - You Can Google The Donald On Reddit - You can click here to find out where The Donald is on Reddit. Click here to search for The Donald on Reddit. The Donald on Reddit Link.

By Oatmeal Joey

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August

Anna Barbie and Her Sister.jpg
I hung out with Anna Barbie

Some highlights from 2019-07-08 - Monday, as follows:


01:32 AM - 02:27 AM - Ray Donovan 603

Naomi Brockwell

10:15 AM - Exclusive Walkthrough of New ShapeShift, with CEO Erik Voorhees

Internet Map

10:18 AM - @rickMAGAvich, in others, you want to stay ignorant. You should say that to Alex Jones when he start to tell you things. I'm Alex Jones. But you don't know that. You refuse to believe that.

Survival Life

10:20 AM - This T-Shirt Is Your Uniform For The War On Free Speech. Time To Suit Up!

Salvation Debate

10:38 AM - What is @Bingozee trying to say? Bingozee said: "The only sin, is that which is offence unto life and the living." Specifically, which sins, according to @Bingoze, is NOT an offence or offense until life and the living as he puts it?

Dear readers,

I dare you to debate with Bingozee concerning which sins might not be an offense until life.

For example, we could break down the ten commandments, piece by piece. I've heard Bingozee talk about facts. So, we can challenge his facts, as well. Technically, Bingozee believes and thinks that his facts are facts. Regardless of whether or not his facts are really facts or not, as some of it may be objective, factual, etc, Bingozee also thinks that his facts are true and Bingozee believes in his facts, even when he says what he believes is not relevant or whatever.

Ten Commandments

@Bingozee, which sins are not offensive?

If you're not honoring your parents, how is that NOT an offense until life and the living?

If you're coveting, how is that not an offense?

If you're murdering, how is that not an offense?

If you're stealing, how is that not an offense?

If you're not worshiping God, how is that not an offense?

If you're not keeping the Sabbath, how is that not an offense?

@AtypicalRift mentioned the Holy Spirit.

@well_well_well, didn't Jesus say He would never leave us nor forsake us, but only until we do too many sins, and which sins?

Online Activism Debate

10:41 AM - How are you supposed to reach NEW people if you're not on Facebook? @Rob_Roy, why is Alex Jones so retarded? Why does Alex want people to share his videos on Facebook? Can you please tell Alex that is very stupid? Facebook sucks, like you said. This website is dumb too. Why are we on the Internet? Get off the Internet and burn it down. We do not need the Internet. So, stop using it. Come to my house and talk to me. Don't respond to this message comment. Come reply to me in person.

Facebook is a train with passenger cars heading off a cliff.

You're Marty McFly from Back To The Future, Part III, and Doc is next to you. Your potential wife is on that train.

But you say: "Eff that train. That's not effective."

Yeah, you're right, it's heading off the cliff.

But there are people on it.

They're heading off a cliff.

But you don't care.

You just want to let them die.

Because you might not be "SUCCESSFUL" at saving them?

Mark Dice

10:45 AM- Plot Twist - Some think global warming will destroy the world thanks to the super Terminator Matrix Globalism computers that are being developed. They also say that people can't save money thanks to climate change and stuff. Meanwhile, geoengineering is causing man-made climate change in the real world.

The Bingozee Book

11:08 AM - Everything @Bingozee says is fact. He does not believe in anything. That's what he says. Everything he says is true and perfect. You cannot question anything that he says. He is our God. We worship Bingozee. You have to read boo]ks. Every day, each day, you have reread his books on every thread that it is republished in. Enjoy!

America is Ephraim

11:14 AM - I'm always trying not to make too many promises about the future, including prophesy, but at the same time, I enjoy the ability to compare and contrast things to some extent as that can be educational, encouraging, insightful, revealing, therapeutic, regardless.

Internet Structure

11:23 AM - The backbone of the Unfiltered Global Internet seems to be rooted in the data centers in the United States for example, mostly, it seems, to some extent. There seems to be a few companies that own these data centers, the fiber optic cables, the infrastructure, etc.

ISPs plug into that.

If you want better Internet, you could try to plug right into the data centers.

Perhaps, your ISP could be those data centers, if possible.

Get around ISPs.

Build new ISPs.

Use better ISPs.

Saving People

11:33 AM - You're right, it is the Mark Biff Train. Rob_Roy replied to my analogy: "Ahhhhh @joeyarnoldvn, I can always count on you to take it that extra step!

Okay, I’ll roll with your Back To the Future III analogy…
I agree the train is heading off the cliff and I’m advocating for everyone to get off because I DO CARE. However, some will refuse to jump off and will tell you you’re crazy. How long do you stay to argue with them about their impending doom before you also jump off the train to rejoin Doc and his girlfriend Clara Clayton (note, Marty’s girlfriend and potential wife did not travel back to 1885).

Now let me add a little to your analogy, the nemesis of Marty McFly, Biff Tannen, owns the train. Biff controls what people can and can’t say on his train. Most of the passengers are fine with Biff’s control because they like Biff. Biff wants everyone to say that Marty is a “chicken” and they do. You keep telling everyone that Marty isn’t a chicken so, they put a handkerchief in your mouth and tell you if you want to stay on the train, you can’t say those things. So, once the gag comes out of your mouth, are you still wanting to be hero to help everyone get off or is it just better for you to leave since you never wanted to ride the Biff train anyway."

Plutocrats vs Globalists

11:44 AM - How do you distinguish between plutocrats and globalists? I'm seeing many similarities between the two. Specifically, plutocracy is an aspect of globalism or that of the bigger problems that the world faces. When you say plutocrats, does that mean technocrats, corporate overlords?

The Donald On Reddit

11:57 AM - Alex Jones Lied - You Can Google The Donald On Reddit - You can click here to find out where The Donald is on Reddit.

Yes, technically, not a lie, as it may be harder to find on Reddit.

But you don't need Reddit to find things on Reddit.

Click here to search for The Donald on Reddit.

The Donald on Reddit Link

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald


12:00 PM - 08:00 PM - Tom Sawyer, how are you? Vacuum. Put things back? Instead of interior design? I was going to put some of it back. Put in a recommendation letter for me. I should teach English to people in America, online and offline. Dusted. Moved things around. Hello Tom. Nice. Cleaned the windows. Put some things back. The living room, kitchen, hallway, bathroom, and bedroom. Cob webs. Cleaned for several hours until four or five in the evening. Tim the Tool Man Taylor of Home Improvement. Five shots of Brandy. I had more than the other two, as far as I know. But then again, I don't really know. When I drink alcohol, it is like drowning. It is like running ten marathons. You have to fight with your mind to stop from losing your mind. You can lose your mind. Some people, like me, might have higher tolerance. My dad drinks a lot of beer each day since he was a kid. My dad was born in 1950 and I was born in 1985 in the USA. But you should not use that as an excuse to drink at all. I do not enjoy drinking. They told me to enjoy the taste and I do not but I could get addicted to it. I'm here to be the family historian, partly. Scanning and archiving pictures, family histories, history, albums, the family tree, copying audio and video to DVD and hard drives. I'm working on projects like that. Learning to drive. I might take classes. Expensive like $400 or more. Helping out around the house here in Shelton since 2018. Maybe not forever. Good to know history. Bought a 33 inch Samsung TV or something like that and speakers from Tom for $130 and he paid me $30 for the work I did as a housekeeper janitor caregiver today. So, in other words, I gave him $100. Independence. No debt. He told me about World of War Craft, Diablo, and we watched the end of Star Wars Last Jedi and talked about that; episode 8. We also watched the trailer to Rise of Skywalker, episode 9. We talked about Star Wars and video games and ideas for my own life. Forest fires are not as bad this year around here as it was last year. Put things back to where it was found. Alright.

Facebook Report

10:47 PM - I logged into my Joeyarnoldvn Facebook account and was told the following post went against alleged Facebook Community Guidelines, allegedly, falsely, illegaly: "This is Anna Lai Kehn & her sister Zizi. They are spreading lies about me. I was only trying to help them. I don't like it when people live in an addiction of deception. Every time you lie, you have to cover it up with another lie. I want them to be more accountable & responsible for their action. I want them to appreciate people more. I want them to be more honest about things. Her mother, Loan, said I was her son. I went to their hometown. Gave them massages. I was their best friend. I taught them English all the time. I lived at their house. They trusted me. I love them as a brother. Please contact them. I write about them because I love them. I want them to improve. I believe in people. . I've known them since 2013 but they harass, abuse, & kidnap me. They deny all of this. They treat me like European backpackers, but I'm a teacher. They manipulate & take advantage of me. I gave them 20 trieu VND ($1K USD) plus my time (40 trieu or more) & heart & everything. People who know me know that I mean well & I'm passionate for the souls of others. I give it my all to help others. But I am not happy with how immoral they are now. They have years of experience with foreigners but they don't like people like me it seems. They like normal foreigners that drink & lie like them. They continue to lie about me & about things I did or did not do with Kathy, the Pagoda, Circle K, the Blacklist, Dai Trinh, Remi, Ribs, or other things. We should not do that. We should seek after eternal morality and perspective and other good things. We can be better than this. . Please ask her for my money and home videos and other things back from their house, please: . Joey Arnold 2016-05-02 Mon 6 PM MDNH HCM Mobile # 0168-478-5542 . . Lái Nguyễn Thiên Ân Tuyết Zizi Snow, mother Loan, Phúc 429/2F Nguyễn Kiệm, Phường 9, Quận Phú Nhuận, TP.HCM Mobile # 090-678-6361 . Anna: 090-282-4505 Tuyet: 090-678-6361 0126-767-3339 0126-353-4779 . YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/pekem9x Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wannabedoctor.nurse https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010037206301 https://www.facebook.com/lainguyenthienan https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009910667858 https://www.facebook.com/anlovejasonforever https://www.facebook.com/dieu.thuan.9809 https://www.facebook.com/jason.e.keehn https://www.facebook.com/jason.a.keehn https://www.facebook.com/tomlgdt https://www.facebook.com/tuyet.lai.7311."

Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019

Naomi Brockwell

10:15 AM - Exclusive Walkthrough of New ShapeShift, with CEO Erik Voorhees

2019-07-08 - Monday

Published in July of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) (@oatmealjoey) in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Contact Me - Taught English in Vietnam - Live Bookmark - Get My RSS Feed - My Newsfeed - Forbidden News - Infowars Activism Forum

Survival Life

10:20 AM - This T-Shirt Is Your Uniform For The War On Free Speech. Time To Suit Up!

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Mark Dice

10:45 AM- Plot Twist - Some think global warming will destroy the world thanks to the super Terminator Matrix Globalism computers that are being developed. They also say that people can't save money thanks to climate change and stuff.

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