Staff told me I was banned from Anh Coffee (AC THD), allegedly, possibly under some false pretense resting upon some projected allegations on Friday, the 5th of May of 2017, in Vietnam time (ICT). So, after that, I began going to the Opera Tea Club (OTC) nightly from May 2017 to November 2017, generally speaking, meaning my last seven months in Vietnam. I was going to Anh Coffee nightly from April 2016 to the end of April 2017 and the first few days of May as well, meaning 13 months, roughly speaking. Before that, Anna Hostel, February to April, 2016, less than three months. Before that, from November 2015 to January 2016, mostly Anh Coffee and sometimes other places a few times. Before that, Old Ink for 13 months back to October 2014. So, in May of 2017, I was teaching several different English classes as usual. Was trying to fix my visa. Visited the Purio factory one day.
My Life in Vietnam
2012 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2013 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2014 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2015 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2016 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2017 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
My Autobiography
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
2017-05-09 - Tuesday - 12:50 AM - Only Good Obama
May of 2017
Created on 2019-11-12 - Tuesday - 09:44 PM
Published on 2019-11-16 - Saturday - 06:02 PM
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in November of 2019
2017-05-08 - Monday - 06:02 AM - Profit is Good?
Contact Me
Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More
See More
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted. I was living in Vietnam (2012-2017) where the local time is Indochina Time (ICT) which is 15 hours ahead of PST and 14 hours ahead of PDT.
Add Me
2017-05-01 - Monday - 5:48 PM | 05:58 PM
Vietnam Is Awesome (VIA)
2017-05-02 - Tuesday - 01:59 AM | Shared a link to the Vietnam is Awesome (VIA) Facebook Group which I also joined | 05:20 AM | 11:20 AM | 07:45 PM
I Love Creative People
2017-05-03 - Wednesday - 06:13 AM | 06:14 AM | 06:35 AM | 09:46 AM | 10:05 AM | 10:22 AM | 10:42 AM | 10:46 AM | 06:59 PM | 06:36 PM | Eloisa Nava from the Philippines | 07:50 PM | 11:51 PM | 11:00 AM ICT - TLJ - MMPR 1301 - Dino Thunder
Anh Coffee Situation
2017-05-04 - Thursday - 01:23 AM | 02:29 AM | 02:39 AM | 02:49 AM | 02:58 AM | 09:33 AM | Gab | 09:36 AM - Globalists like Obama endorses people like Macron. Somebody came to see me at Anh Coffee (AC) on Thursday night (ICT). We may have been too loud according to staff and other customers at that coffee shop near the 23/9 Park in Saigon. Something like this happened before back in April of 2017 as I was watching a movie with my students on a laptop. 08:47 PM | 09:52 PM | 10:02 PM | 10:17 PM
Border Talk
2017-05-05 - Friday - 12:04 AM | 03:36 AM | 06:59 AM | Posted to who eventually banned me. | 07:00 AM | 07:06 PM | 07:11 PM | Daniel Smith is the Visual Venture on Facebook | 07:11 PM | Oatmeal English has been my largest Facebook Group with over 15,000 members in the 2010's, that is for years. | Friday morning, an Anh Coffee staff man said I was smelly, loud, that the manager hates me, and that I could no longer come. Well, he didn't know a lot of English. So, I'm not totally certain how accurate all of this might be. Began watching through Power Rangers, season 13, SPD, through to like Monday, the 15th of May of 2017. I probably stopped watching Power Rangers after that for the next few years or whatever. | 11:31 PM
Green Ranger Tommy
2017-05-06 - Saturday - 01:04 AM | 07:00 AM | 08:43 PM | 08:45 PM | 10:21 PM
Write On My Facebook Wall
2017-05-07 - Sunday - 07:16 PM | Nondae Chan Chan | April Thida | Whitnney Houston De Abreu | Ana Freitas of Brazil | Hoàng Hà Anh | Hanni Trần | Ngô Thu Thảo | Như Anh Nguyễn | Shwe Wyut Mhone Khin | 07:40 PM | 11:02 PM
Opera Cafe
2017-05-08 - Monday - 06:02 AM | 06:02 AM | 06:03 AM | 06:05 AM | 11:12 PM
Only Good Obama
2017-05-09 - Tuesday - 12:50 AM - Facebook Private Conversation - 50 Pictures | 06:49 AM | 06:52 AM
Add Oatmeal
2017-05-10 - Wednesday - 03:45 AM | Nann Yin Y Aye
Lego Batman Movie
2017-05-11 - Thursday - 02:16 AM | 07:01 AM | 07:01 AM | 07:02 AM | Watched LEGO Batman at 06:00 PM ICT Opera. | 07:04 AM | 06:59 PM
To Pay Or Not Paid Batman
2017-05-12 - Friday - 07:56 AM | 07:57 AM | 07:59 AM | 08:04 AM | 08:04 AM | 06:03 PM | 11:35 PM | 11:40 PM | 11:46 PM
Add Me
2017-05-13 - Saturday - 10:25 PM | 10:36 PM - Added photos to the CBM ( Cambodia Bike Modified ) Facebook group. I emailed my family a list of news websites that I follow. Also, I had a link to my YouTube channel that had a list of channels that I would follow.
2017-05-14 - Sunday - 05:41 AM | Miracle Ruth Doris Demanson | 04:30 PM | Breezy Bella | Laci Green | TAKING THE RED PILL? | 2M Views | Published on May 11, 2017 | I was watching this video. I must have left some comments. 08:12 PM: Light Up The Darkness commented: "I like Dave Rubin, he's the only journalist I know of. The rest is propaganda." 09:14 PM: Hoa Tennis replied to your comment on her post.
2017-05-15 - Monday - 06:27 AM | 06:32 AM | 08:30 PM | 08:30 PM | 08:36 PM | 08:40 PM | 05:15 PM ICT OTC - Is Science Not Religion? | 10:00 PM ICT OTC - Watched Suits 609 to 616 by Thursday | I wrote an email to myself with information about Anna Barbie.
Lazy Travel
2017-05-16 - Tuesday - 08:36 AM | 08:38 AM
Beer With Customers
2017-05-17 - Wednesday - 03:46 AM | 07:25 AM | 07:33 AM | Noe Noe Htoo Lwin
Tearing Muscles
2017-05-18 - Thursday - 08:03 AM | 08:11 AM
2017-05-19 - Friday - 06:37 AM | 06:41 AM | 04:00 PM - Finished watching Suits 616 - Was watching through the sixth season that week since Monday | 08:46 PM | 10:00 PM | Bitcoin Address
1JY9EVYaB8SafhK8TvFoqs7vyRzmcRJGyv | I posted my Bitcoin address on that Facebook picture. However, it may have been posted or edited later on. I'm not sure when I first got some Bitcoin.
2017-05-20 - Saturday - 01:09 AM - Pika Chuu လွလွႏု sent me a friend request on Facebook. | 02:25 AM | 05:32 AM - Facebook told me that I was not allowed to rename a page of mine.
Middle East Trump
2017-05-21 - Sunday - 07:56 AM | 07:56 AM | 06:32 PM
2017-05-22 - Monday - 01:02 AM | 02:09 AM | 06:20 AM | 06:20 AM | 06:24 AM | 10:26 PM - Bui Linh emailed me to postpone our Bank or Business English Classes until maybe the 2nd of June of 2017 at the earliest as she was scheduled for a business trip to Da Nang for the next 2 weeks. The other student in that class was Mr. Long. So, she suggested that when classes resume, they may double class time from one to two hours to compensate. Long emailed me the next day saying we should postpone classes until she returns.
2017-05-23 - Tuesday - 12:09 AM - Long emailed me to say we would postpone classes. The previous day (PST), Linh emailed me saying she would be absent for 2 weeks. | 12:41 AM - Gage Morehead - "I'm , from what I can tell a descendant of the,muirheid clan and am actually planning a trip to go over and,visit muirheid and see it for,myself. Idk where to start but if you know anyone who may be able to help with tips and things to do whilst there id love the help." | 01:19 AM | 01:39 PM - Sofia Sepulveda - Facebook Friend Request | 02:01 PM - Patricia Vigder | 11:00 PM
Wine Perspective
2017-05-24 - Wednesday - 12:58 AM | 01:02 AM | 06:22 PM - Finance English Notes - 06:00 PM ICT OTC - I wrote about how I've sometimes focused too much on the wrong types of students while neglecting on the kinds of customers that I may be suited to aid. | 06:29 PM | 06:33 PM | 07:26 PM
2017-05-25 - Thursday - 05:14 AM | 10:09 AM | 10:10 AM | I wrote in Purio class notes that we were scheduled to visit his factory on this Thursday. SO, I'm assuming that I went to Purio at 08:00 AM ICT and he drove me in his car to his factory outside of Saigon or on the edges of Saigon in a like industrial zoning area that is designated for factories, etc, or something like that. I remember going to the factory at least one time. So, it was either that day or around that time.
Fortune Grape
2017-05-26 - Friday - 04:04 AM | 06:46 AM | 05:58 PM | 06:19 PM | 11:01 PM | Had a class at 06:00 PM ICT OTC - Friday night with Quach Thanh Tien. The Vincent English Class.
2017-05-27 - Saturday - 04:29 AM | 04:33 AM | 05:43 AM | Mg Mg Kyaw | 07:24 AM | How Obama Spied On Millions of Americans by Deplorable Annie | 07:33 AM | 09:46 PM | 09:47 PM
Heal vs Heel
2017-05-28 - Sunday - 02:30 AM | Hinn Ei Ei Kyaw | 02:32 AM | 02:39 AM | 06:49 AM | 07:12 AM | 07:17 AM | 06:00 PM ICT to 08:00 PM - Medical English at Opera Tea Shop
Speciality is Special
2017-05-29 - Monday - 10:05 PM | 10:14 PM | Tuesday - 08:00 AM ICT to 09:00 AM - Purio English at Purio | Speciality Coffee Notes
Plastic Straws vs Climate Change
2017-05-30 - Tuesday - 04:04 AM | Do you drive on sidewalks? | 05:04 PM | 05:46 AM | 06:32 PM | 09:44 PM | Bao Dung Le
Vaccines Talk
2017-05-31 - Wednesday - 12:16 PM | 12:56 AM | 05:18 PM | 09:41 PM | Hằng Que | 08:00 PM ICT - Medical English at Opera