He began planning for this when he was nine years old with his then crush, Tiffany Cumbo, who was with Brian, his neighbor in space 164, and with Bill Bailey after that.
Twenty One Years Ago
This drawing was drawn by a 12 year old Oatmeal Boy, yeah, it was drawn by me, in Oregon, in the Spring of 1997. This drawing paints a picture of what I wanted to be and to have as an adult someday, as I were to grow up. I wanted to get married, have children, to buy a house, to keep my mother's Steinway & Sons baby grand piano which she got from her grandparents. Below is my dragon story and a book report on a plant.
Video Games
I wanted video games, computers, desks, technology, and everything.
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Stern Plant Book Report
Written around April of 1997
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Dragon Story
1997, April: I wrote a story about a dragon named Zaurcus and a snake frog. Once upon a time, lived a mighty dragon named Zaurcus. He lived with tons of Adventures. His castles was (were) cool (great). One day, he was flying around in his kingdom. He was landed in his forrest (forest) by the lake interate blue. He came to this part of the forest know (no) man had (has) know (known) in this kingdom. He saw these weird creatures. They all looked at him, all scared. Some ran [away from] the dragon. Oh, so, the dragon then said: "Who are you? Why are you afriad (afraid) of me, the king. Don't you know about me, the powerfull (powerful), the great."
They all frozed [froze] (scared; surpries; surprised).
Snake Frog
One said, "You (you're) a king? That can't be true, your (you're) a dragon (they all laugh; laughed). Then he (the dragon) said, "I bin (I've been) looking. Now, I've fond (found)? Then a snake frog said, Found what?" And the dragon said, "You guys, every single one of you. I need you to help. I'm really a king person king."
Knoway! No Way!
Then one said, "You a person, Knoway (No Way)!"
And the dragon said, "Yes way." Then they started areguing (arguing). A turkey, cow, cat said, "You can't be a person becuase (because) you can fly, people don't. Your (you're) big; there (they're) not; you smell like a dragon, talk like a dragon, hear like dragon, see like a dragon; and look like one, so you are one."
My future daughter playing ball
12 Year Old Boy's Wedding
Joey's future family
About Me
Grownup Joey with a beard
1997-04 apx | Wedding | Dragon | Plant | JA | 163
2018-08-26 Sunday 03:50 PM LMS | 12 Year Old Boy's Wedding
Published at 05:00 PM
My super den desk
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