Good news dear friend, @steemitri you will have your Carolina Reaper! 🌶

A work of art of nature, its twisted and aggressive shape indicates the danger and spiciness of the fruit.

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🇬🇧 About two months ago I wrote a post, where I shared my choices for the chili plants I had chosen for this season. Thanks to this post,, I had discovered that I had a passion in common with my dear friend @steemitri, to whom I promised that I would send the Carolina Reaper as soon as they mature, we are exactly talking about the most spicy in the world.

But the fate wasn't on my side, for 3 consecutive blooms, my plant of Carolina Reaper dropped all the new fruit... I was very sorry, especially because it didn't allow me to keep my word, I understand it wasn't my fault, but I'm like that...

Now lost the hope of seeing one, I haven't more checked until this evening, when I decided to collect the mature fruits of the other plants... Observing well, I didn't believe my eyes, only one, but one was there, my first Carolina Reaper!!!

I hope it isn't the first and last, but I'm happy, because it allows me to keep my promise. Dear @steemitri, you will have your Carolina Reaper 😉.

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The beautiful Chupetinho.

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Habanero numerous and are maturing well.

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Today's harvest, with also two Cayenna and three round for anchovy.

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🇮🇹 Circa due mesi fa scrissi un post, dove condivisi le mie scelte per le piante di peperoncino che avevo scelto per questa stagione. Grazie a questo post,, avevo scoperto di avere una passione in comune con il caro amico @steemitri, al quale promisi che avrei spedito dei Carolina Reaper appena maturi, parliamo proprio di lui il più piccante al mondo.

Ma la sorte non è stata dalla mia parte, per 3 fioriture consecutive, la mia pianta di Carolina Reaper lasciava cadere tutti i nuovi frutti... Mi dispiaceva molto, soprattutto perchè non mi permetteva di mantenere la parola data, comprendo che non fosse colpa mia, ma sono fatto così...

Ormai persa la speranza di vederne uno, non ho più controllato fino a questa sera, quando ho deciso di raccogliere i frutti maturi delle altre piante... Osservando bene, non credevo ai miei occhi, uno di numero, ma uno c'era, il mio primo Carolina Reaper!!!

Spero non sia il primo ed ultimo, ma ne sono felice, perchè mi permette di mantenere la mia promessa. Caro @steemitri, avrai il tuo Carolina Reaper 😉.

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All images are personal to the author.
I hope you find this interesting, follow me for more posts. Thanks by @stea90.


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