Temporary Issue On Steeve?

My mind isn't clear enough to write anything meaningful today apparently, so I might just as well publicly report a little issue I found that will probably soon be fixed.

I discovered today as I was trying to check out my feed with the @steeveapp that no story (i.e. post) can be loaded. See the image below.


At first I thought it was an issue with that post (maybe it was deleted, I thought), but I tried other posts and nothing changed. I reloaded the page and tried it in a different browser I didn't use before with Steeve. Same result.

Then I thought the blockchain could be slow, but everything else worked fine.

So there are all chances this is a problem restricted to Steeve, and hopefully @hr1 and the team behind the dApp are aware of the issue and working to fix it, because I really like to check out my feed on the Steeve interface. And I know I'm not the only one.

The great thing about our blockchain is that, even if my favorite app for viewing my feed has some issues, I can always pick another to do it. Which of course I did.

This is one of the benefits of having multiple front-ends to read in different ways the data structures aggregate, which is, in a way, the whole Steem blockchain.

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