Love RASULULLAH and love His family useful in seven noble places


Al Imam Al Habib Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Alawi Khird Ba'alawi in his book Al Ghurar that the Messenger of Allah. said:

حبي وحب أهل بيتي نافع في سبعة مواطن أهوالهن عظيمة
عند الوفاة
وعند القبر
وعند النشر
وعند الكتاب
وعند الحساب
وعند الميزان
وعند الصراط

Love me and love my family useful in seven noble places:

  1. When it died.
  2. When in the grave.
  3. When raised.
  4. When recording.
  5. When refueling.
  6. When on Mizan scales.
  7. On the Shirath Bridge.
    It was narrated by Sayyidina Hasan Bin Ali Bin Abi Talib that the Messenger of Allah. said:
    لكل شيء أساس, وأساس الإسلام حب أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وحب أهل بيته
    Every thing has the principle and the principle of Islam is to love the friends and family of the Prophet.
    It was narrated by Al Imam Ath Thabrani from Sayyidina Ali kwj. that the Messenger of Allah. said:
    أول من يرد الحوض أهل بيتي ومن أحبني من أمتي
    The first who arrived at the lake haudh is my family and those who love me from my people.
    لايبغضنا ولايحسدنا أحد إلا القيامة بسياط من النار
    It is not that which hates us (the Prophet and his family) and neither desires us unless he is expelled from the lake haudh on the Day of Resurrection.
    It is narrated in the book of Al Ghurar:
    من مات على بغض آل محمد جاء يوم القيامة مكتوبا بين عينيه آيس من رحمة الله
    Who died in the state of hate the Prophet's family. he will come on the Day of Resurrection, written between the eyes of those who do not get the grace of Allah swt.
    حرمت الجنة على من ظلم أهل بيتي أو قتلهم أو أعان عليهم أو سبهم
    Forbidden heaven for who is my family
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