Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace !

If you don't agree, watch these VERY revealing video's below. 'Moderate Muslims' are not actually as moderate as you thought. They may not ALL kill people but A LOT of Muslims (some countries over 90%) support it and support enforcing sharia law. If you aren't familiar with sharia law, it's an alternative to constitution law like we have.

In countries that have adopted sharia law like Saudi Arabia, if you are caught drinking alcohol or caught being gay you can be punished very harshly. One woman accidently burned a little bit of a page in the Quran and was killed in the public square while police sat and watched. This is considered normal in most muslim countries.

Women are not allowed any real freedom and are basically slaves to men.

Muslims are being brainwashed at birth to accept Sharia law.

Actually read the Quran and look at how many Muslims practice what they preach.

The statistics are shocking. 5% of 1.5 billion muslims actually commit terrorism. 5% of 1.5 billion is 75 MILLION terrorists.

Muhammad was a wretched person and that's indisputable

Difference between Christianity and Islam is that Christians aren't out there commiting terrorist attacks everyday. Islam has killed tens of thousands in the past 7 months alone. Almost every Christian disavows the oppression of women and gays....Muslims? On average, not so much... we find only anecdotal evidence.

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