Islam Jesus

They burnt his face. He had a dream where Jesus told him that Islam leads to Hell. Muslims go there. There will be over three billion Muslim people worldwide before the year 2025, in just seven years from now, from 2017, almost 2018, right now: this is an estimate: but there will probably be less than three billion other people by that time too due to war, disease, vaccines, and more: this is the pattern we live in: most Muslims are born into the political state-required religion. Most Muslims are unaware of how bad Sharia and Jihad and other things are and can be and continue to be. We can alter the course of history by having more babies. Family first. Anarchy is not bad. Your people first. Be more independent. Teach freedom and life skills to others.

So, if you try to tell them, it will be and is very tough since they have no idea about the history of Islam and the real core doctrines in the religion. Please be patient. Muslims are taking over Europe. Islam is a religion and not a race. Please have more babies. Give them more choices in what to do, how to live, in what to believe, and everything. Defend yourself, too. And please make babies, too.

Islam Jesus

2017-11-09 - created - Thursday 11:10 PM OTC
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